We believe the scripture of the Old and New Testaments to be the inspired Word of God. This is the word that we live by to rule our faith and practice. Our mission is to seek and minister to the lost, presenting to them the gospel that they may know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. We assemble together to be led by the Holy Spirit in our worship.  We believe in promoting spiritual growth among new believers & maturing Christians and to encourage one another in Christian love. 


Sunday School begins at 9:00 AM followed by Worship Service at 10:00 AM. We also provide Children’s Worship Service every Sunday during our ten o’clock worship hour. Wednesday night services are held at 6:30 PM. Please see the Weekly Schedule or Upcoming Events section for more information. We would love for you to come worship with us in the Lord’s house.

God Bless You!


Sunday, Oct 13th

9:00 am: Sunday School
10:00 am: Sunday Worship Service

5:00-7:00 pm: Youth Meeting w/ Supper
5:30-6:30 pm: Adult Discipleship Training

Listen live in your car on 99.1 FM

Tuesday, October 15th

 8:00am: Golden Agers Apple Trip

Wednesday, Oct 16th

6:30 pm: Adult Bible Study

Next Sunday, Oct 20th

9:00 am: Sunday School
10:00 am: Sunday Worship Service
Quarterly Conference

5:00-7:00 pm: Youth Meeting w/ Supper
5:30-6:30 pm: Adult Discipleship Training

Listen live in your car on 99.1 FM

Newsletter Oct 13th


I was preparing a different Newsletter when I learned of a story that was so sweet that I had to share it with you. When I was the Pastor of Dutch Cove Baptist Church in the mountains of North Carolina, our, across the road neighbors, were Ronnie and Vicky. Not only were they neighbors, they were fellow church members and good friends. When hurricane Helene hit, Vicky was in Wisconsin visiting their daughter, Katie. Naturally, they watched the TV news as the story of the devastation happened. They saw houses washed away. The hurricane was also a topic of conversation. Later, some of Katie’s Wisconsin neighbors brought donations of money and relief supplies. That was a generous blessing.

Meanwhile, someone else was watching and listening. Katie’s daughter, Vicky’s granddaughter, Lucy, is 3 and a half years old. She was paying more attention than anyone realized. She also understood far more than you would think a 3 and a half year old would understand. Lucy began to place her little hand over her heart and say, “I so sad. I hurt”. Isn’t that precious? But it gets better. Later, they found Lucy in her room. She had gone through her toys and made two piles. She indicated one of the piles and said something like this, “I don’t need these any more. Take them to some little girl who lost all her toys”. 

What a sweet, precious, tender heart. A 3 and a half year old willing to divide her treasures with someone who was hurting, someone she did not even know. It makes this old Pastor teary-eyed every time I think about it. Two Scriptures came to mind.
   …”A little child shall lead them”. Isaiah 11:6
   …”Jesus said, Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 19:14

It is so easy to grow cynical and callous. There is so much trouble and suffering in our world today that, if we are not careful, we become like the two men in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. We pass by and ignore the man who is hurting. I find myself praying, “Lord, keep my heart tender and sensitive”. This week, 3 and a half year old Lucy, reminded me to keep praying that prayer. Thank you, Lucy.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. October 20–Quarterly Church Conference
  5. $ 1535–NC Missions Offering Total
  6. $ 800 NC Disaster Relief Offering –$ 300 donations and $500 from Barbee’s Grove Women’s Ministry
    Continue to give as the Lord leads
  7. October 15–Golden Agers Mountain trip. Plan to go
  8. October 13 and 20
    5-7  Youth and Children meet
    5:30-6:30  Adult Church Training

Hard hearted or tender hearted? Let’s examine ourselves

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church


Pastor’s Appreciation Month

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! We are so thankful for Pastor Ed and his service to Barbee’s Grove. Please take some time to personally let Pastor Ed how much you appreciate him! We will take up a Love Offering for Pastor Ed on Sunday October 27th.

NC Home Missions – Hurricane Helene Help

If you are able, volunteer to join a reputable group [like the NC Baptist on Mission] and go to the mountains to help with recovery efforts.

Make donations of money and supplies. PLEASE, only give to organizations that are legitimate and will use the money for its intended purposes. There are always scammers who want to steal from good hearted folks. It happened after the flood 20 years ago.

You can always make a check out to Barbee’s Grove and designate it NC BAPTIST ON MISSION DISASTER RELIEF. Brenda will be more than happy to pass on your gifts to a place where they will be used wisely.

Adult Choir Practice

Choir Practice will now be held on Wednesday Evenings, 2nd and 4th, right after Bible Study. Our next practices will be October 9th and 23rd at 7:30 pm.

BGBC Youth Nights Schedule/ Church Wide Discipleship Training

The dates for our September Youth nights are as follows:  Sunday October 13th and 20th from 5-7pm.  Please encourage your youth to come; and parents/grandparents please stay for Discipleship Training at 5:30pm. All from teenagers to senior adults are encouraged to attend. 

Golden Agers Mountain Trip – October 15th  – STILL ON SCHEDULE

The Golden Agers will take a trip to the mountains on Tuesday, October 15.  We will leave the church at 8 am and plan to return late afternoon.  We will visit Boone, NC; eat at Daniel Boone Inn for lunch; then stop for apples on the way home.  There is a signup sheet on the bulletin board.  Plan to join us for a great day of food, fun and fellowship. 

Deacon Family Ministry List

Please pick up  your copy of the list from the table at the front of the church.

Quarterly Church Conference

The church will hold the Quarterly Church Conference on October 20th. The upcoming proposed budget for 2025 will be voted on during this conference. The proposed 2025 budget will be available for you today, so please pick up a copy for your review.


(704) 485-4210

24819  Barbee’s Grove Road
PO Box 679
Oakboro, NC 28129

Do you have a prayer requests that you would like to share?  If so, please contact our church office at bulletin@barbeesgrove.com

We want to know what you think about our web site, our church, and what we have to offer. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments at webmaster@barbeesgrove.com