Newsletter Archive
Newsletter Feb 16th
Long before Big Oak Curb Market days, my Dad did sawmilling for a living. Those were the days when a sawmill was set up in a tract of timber and was moved to another tract when all the trees were cut on the first site. Trees were cut down and Dad used a horse and a mule to drag them to the sawmill. Ned, the horse, was a beautiful palomino. He reminded me of the horse Roy Rogers rode. Dad stabled the horse and mule on a place he rented. It was on the east side of Long Creek, near Highway 73. When the day’s work was done, the animals walked a couple hundred yards downhill to drink from Long Creek. Even though I was only 5 or 6 years old at the time, if I was there, I rode Ned to the creek. He was such a gentle giant that I never had a saddle or bridle. I just held on to his mane.
Ned had one quirk. He would not go get a drink if the mule did not go. One memorable evening, I rode Ned to the creek. The mule was right alongside of us. Ned was standing in shallow water, drinking his fill, when suddenly he lifted his head and realized that the mule was no longer with him. The mule had headed on back to the barn. Ned panicked. He whirled around and headed toward the barn as fast as he could run. I was desperately holding on to his mane, yelling, “Whoa Ned, whoa, Ned”. Ned acted like we were in the homestretch of the Kentucky Derby and I was yelling, “Go, Ned, Go, Ned”. Fortunately, I was able to hold on and Ned calmed down just as soon as he was reunited with his mule buddy.
In Luke 15:11-32, Jesus tells the story of a young man who suddenly looked around and realized that he was all alone, standing in a pig pen, totally separated from his father and those who loved him. Realizing his aloneness, the young man headed for home. Jesus does not tell us if the young man walked slowly, reluctantly, at a normal pace, or ran. Jesus does tell us that when the father saw the young man coming, the father ran to him, gave him a hug, a kiss, and restored the family relationship.
The story Jesus told is so encouraging. It reminds us that no matter where we are, or no matter the time, when we wake up and realize that we are absent from the presence of our Loving Heavenly Father, He always welcomes us home. The quicker we repent, and the faster we confess our sins, and ask for a restored relationship with God, the faster it happens. When we head to the Lord, He will run to meet us.
…”If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. [1 John 1:9]
… “And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart”. [Jeremiah 29:13]
Ned, never wanted to be separated from his buddy, the mule. May we be so in love with Jesus that we never want any separation from Him. And if we discover that some separation has occurred, may we head back to Jesus at a dead run.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- February 16—Baptist Women’s Day events
Let us stay near to Jesus
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Feb 9th
Baptist Men’s Day was a special blessing. Thanks to all the cooks who arrived early and prepared the delicious breakfast. We also appreciate the good messages from Justin Keplinger. It is wonderful to see a young man grow up in a church and still be living for the Lord many years later. Dad and Mom, Jeff and Lori, and all of you Barbee’s Grove members who poured yourself into Justin’s life those years ago will not lose your Heavenly rewards.
I have mentioned in earlier Newsletters about how much I enjoy visiting Ted Barbee’s Greenhouse. One thing I have noticed is this—–there is almost always someone watering the plants, especially on the hottest days. After all, it doesn’t matter how many seeds are placed in those little soil pods, if they are not watered they do not sprout and grow. After they sprout, it takes repeated watering to keep them growing. Without water they shrivel and die. With proper soil, water, and light, each seed becomes the plant the Lord designed it to be.
The scene at the Greenhouse depicts a spiritual principle that we need to apply to our lives. In 1 Corinthians 3:6 Paul writes, “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase”. Paul came to Corinth preaching the life, death, resurrection of Jesus and the filling of the Holy Spirit. Paul planted the seeds of salvation and spiritual growth. Apollos came and watered those seeds by preaching the same message. As a result, God used the planting and the watering to build a great church.
It has been many years but I still remember how shocked and saddened I was as a young Pastor when a Middle-aged Deacon came to me one Sunday morning and said, “From now on, I won’t be coming to church as often as I have been coming. I already know all I need to know”. He ceased spiritual watering. From that moment, his spiritual walk with God began to shrivel.
Do we desire to be men and women of great faith? Do we want a powerful walk with God? We don’t get it by “wishing”, “hoping”, or “even by asking for it in prayer”. Romans 10:17 states, “So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God”. Simply put, you build faith by planting the Word of God in your heart, and by continuing to water that Word by hearing it over and over and over and over. The more we hear it, the more we grow.
Recently I was reading a book by a well-known Evangelist. He recounted that he was watching an old DVD of a Bible Teacher. He said that the Bible Teacher made a profound statement and the Evangelist said to himself, “I never heard that before”. He grabbed a pen and paper to write it down before he forgot. About that time, the DVD cameraman scanned over the crowd. The Evangelist said he was shocked to see himself on the DVD. He was sitting in the front row. Years before, a seed had been planted. Since it had never been watered, it never grew in this man’s understanding.
Friends, we must never get complacent and think we “Know it all” spiritually. Our Lord has so much to teach us in order to build our faith and to enable us to live the victorious, abundant life. Planting and watering in the Greenhouse makes for healthy flower and vegetable plants. Planting and watering with the Word of God creates healthy, vibrant, growing Christians. It is our choice to think we “Know it all” or to continue to water our faith by using every opportunity to hear God’s Word.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- February 9–Called Church Conference–Nominating Committee report
- Baby bottle gifts for Pregnancy Resource Center collected
- February 16–Baptist Women’s Day
- February 9–5:00 pm–Children and Youth meet
5:00 Adult Prayer Time
5:30 Adult Church Training
Happy watering
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Feb 2nd
Now that we have a new Administration in the White House we will see a number of headlines that go something like this, “Such and such person has been named the United States Ambassador to such and such Nation”. These Ambassadors represent our country. They have no right to speak for themselves. Their sole purpose is to make known the plans, purposes, and wishes of the USA to that other nation. However, when you think about it, every American who travels to another nation is a representative of the USA. Their actions can cause those who live in the other nations to think of Americans as “good, kind, loving people”, or to think of us as “arrogant, pompous, jerks”. What is said and done is a witness.
Many, many, years ago, at West Albemarle Baptist Church, I was a member of a mission group that Baptist churches had for boys. We were called, Royal Ambassadors, [RAs]. One of the major Bible verses we were taught was 2 Corinthians 5:20, “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ….”.At an early age we were being taught that as Christians we represented Jesus to our world. Could school mates, play mates, family members, neighbors, see Jesus in us?
My friends, if you are a Christian, you are an Ambassador for Christ. You represent Him to the world where you live. Some Christians are good Ambassadors, some “not so good”. We get to choose. There is an interesting insight in Acts 8; 4, “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word.” The background is this. Stephen had been stoned. Saul was attempting to destroy this new Christianity. As a result, many Believers fled from Jerusalem and headed to other parts of the world. Notice:
… These folks had only been followers of Jesus for a short period of time
…They had not been to Bible School or seminary
… They were not shy or scared to share Jesus
…They had no right to make up their own message. They were to tell of Jesus and His love
…They were people whose lives had been radically changed by Jesus. They loved Jesus. They wanted everyone they met to know Jesus
You and I are Ambassadors for Christ. Can we be as bold and as faithful as those first Christians? May we be reminded again of the command of our Lord, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven”. [Matthew 5:16] Or, as the old hymn says, “Let others see Jesus in you”.
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- Baptist Men’s Day–February 2–Rescheduled because of illness
8:00 Breakfast All are invited - February 2–Called Church Conference–Nominating Committee report
- We are now making our “Baby Bottle” gifts to the Pregnancy Resource Center
- February 16—Baptist Women’s Day
Let’s strive to be great Ambassadors for Jesus
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Jan 26th
I find it somewhat ironic how haphazardly people will plan for future events. For example:
…If the Weatherman hints that there is a possibility of snow, the lines at the Supermarket grow long. Everyone buys milk, bread, and other essentials, “Just in case”.
…When Covid hit 5 years ago it was predicted that there would be toilet paper shortages. As a result, people were seen leaving stores with carts piled high with bundles of toilet paper. [I expect some folks still have a closet full.]
…The SuperBowl will be here in a few weeks. Many fans are already planning their menu for watching the game. Pizza, ribs, wings, chips and dip, popcorn, favorite drinks, the list goes on and on. 5 or 6 people sitting in front of the TV with enough food to feed 50.
There is absolutely nothing wrong for being prepared for snow, the big game, or a toilet paper shortage. I have done all three. However, the sad, tragic, irony of this situation is that folks will prepare for events such as those listed above, but may not prepare for the Most Important Event in life. What do I mean? Have you noticed lately that the death rate for human beings is 100 percent? Everyone who is born will eventually die. Even if we live to be 100 years old, death is still a certainty. The Bible tells us that, “It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this, the Judgement”. [Hebrews 9:27]
Just as surely as death will come, in like manner, we will stand before God’s Judgement to give an account for our lives. It is sad that many people give careful planning to the “little events” in their lives, but do not plan for the most important event of all. For those who make no preparation, that will be the most awful, fearful day of their existence.
However, for others, Judgement Day will be a joyful, peaceful, wonderful day. Why? These are those who 1] Have believed the Bible, 2] Acknowledged and confessed their sin, 3] Believed in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and 4] Confessed Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. With great delight, these followers of Jesus will hear their Lord say, “Welcome home, My child. Enter into the bliss of Heaven”.
I am so happy that over 70 years ago I made Jesus my Lord and Savior. I am prepared for that Big Day. What about you?
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- Sunday, February 2, called Church Conference–Nominating Committee report
- Remember to pick up baby bottles at the church. Fill these with your offering for our local Pregnancy Resource Center
- Sunday, January 26–Baptist Men’s Day
8:00 am Breakfast [Men, women, and children are invited to the meal]
Special speakers at Breakfast and at the Morning Worship Service
Let’s be ready to meet Jesus
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Jan 19th
I look in my Library and see Bibles in Hebrew, Greek, French, and Portuguese. In addition, there are multiple Bibles in various English translations. If that isn’t enough, I can always read the Bible translations that are on my cell phone. I am a blessed Pastor. Why do I mention it? Most of you know that my daughter, Sarah, son-in-law, Brian, and their daughters Hannah and Maggie, are missionaries to Australia. One aspect of their ministry is to lead a small, Barbee’s Grove size church. Each month their church receives a Mission Offering. They use that money to bless someone in another part of the world. In recent months, their gifts have bought Bibles for Pastors in Africa. These were men who were Pastors, but who OWNED NO BIBLE. I cannot imagine trying to preach without having a Bible. You can readily see why, when I am able, I send money to Australia with this note, “Put this gift in your Mission Fund. Bless more Pastors with Bibles”.
I have read that, in some parts of the world, a church may have only one Bible. Someone carefully separates that Bible into individual pages. Each church member is allowed to take a few pages home to read, study, and copy. At the next meeting, members swap pages and repeat the process. They value God’s Word.
I remember visiting a certain Barbee’s Grove member who has now graduated to Heaven. Most visits, she would tell me how many times she had read her Bible “cover to cover”. Then she would tell me where she was in her current journey through her Bible.
Why mention all of the above? Because the Bible is God’s Holy Word. It is the Lord speaking to us. The strongest Christians are those who spend the most quality time studying what God has said. They read and study with open minds and open hearts. Each day they allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten them concerning God’s message for that day.
How many Bibles are you blessed to own? Are they precious to you? How much Bible did you read in 2024? What are your plans for 2025? I encourage you to read often. If you are intimidated by the Old Testament, read the New Testament. One chapter in the New Testament and one chapter in Psalms [followed by Proverbs] is a good daily diet. Put a bookmark in your Bible. If you miss a day, don’t quit. Just go back to the bookmark and continue reading.
…”Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path”. Psalms 119:105
…”Thy Words were found, and I did eat them; and Thy Word was unto me joy and rejoicing of mine heart…”. Jeremiah 15:16
…”The Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart”. Hebrews 4:12
…”Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth” 2 Timothy 2;!5
…”All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God should be thoroughly furnished unto all good works”. 2 Timothy 3:15, 16
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- January 19—Quarterly Church Conference
- January 26—Baptist Men’s Day
8:00 am _ Breakfast [all are invited–Men, Women and Children]
Guest speakers at Breakfast and during the Morning Worship Service
Let’s make God’s Word a priority in 2025
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Jan 12th
I may have miscounted, but I think that this is Newsletter 250. WOW! I had no idea that Covid would lead to a ministry that would last this long and that would reach so many NC counties and so many states. I thank the Lord for giving me something to write each week. I also thank the various Deacon Chairmen, Brenda Burris, and Wes Barbee, for making sure that my article reached you each week. They deserve our appreciation.
Thank you for the kind words, beautiful Christmas cards, and nice Christmas bonus you gave me. It was all deeply appreciated. Most of all, I thank you for your love.
Good old governmental bureaucratic inefficiency always amazes me. Recently, I visited a certain government agency. The Waiting Room was basically empty. I registered and sat down. In about 10 minutes I was called back to see the government official. He typed my information [Name, address, etc] into his computer. I told him what I needed. I thought, “This is going so well. All he needs to do is click on the box to order what I need, and then click on Submit, and we will be done”. Instead, he asked me, “Did you have an appointment?” I said, “No”. His reply, “You can’t just walk in and do this. You need an appointment”. He checked his schedule, made an appointment, and sent me on my way.
Instead of being finished with the entire process in 5 minutes, I had to drive back to that office another day and waste my time and his repeating what we had done the day before. It was all unnecessary. Some Bureaucrat somewhere made a rule that “: NO appointment, No business transacted”. Makes no sense to me!!!
That afternoon, I was sitting in my recliner. Suddenly, I had a lap full of doggie. I was about half asleep and I heard myself say, “Heidi, do you have an appointment? You can’t just jump up here and expect some loving anytime you wish. You need an appointment”. I woke myself, laughing at what I had said. Heidi knows she needs no appointment.
Then, I begin to think, “I am so glad the Lord does not operate the way the government operates.” Imagine, bowing your head and beginning to pray, “Dear Father God in Heaven, I come to You in the Name of Your Son, Jesus”. Immediately, you hear the Lord say, “Whoa, whoa, it doesn’t work that way. You can’t pray any old time that suits you. You need an appointment. I can fit you into my prayer schedule next Thursday at 2:00 pm. How does that work for you?”
We are so blessed that 24/7 the Lord welcomes us into His presence. His Prayer Room is always accessible. No waiting and no delay.
…”Pray without ceasing”. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
…”Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”. Hebrews 4:16
…”And He spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray and not to faint”. Luke 18:1
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- January 19– Quarterly Church Conference
- January 12 — 5-7 pm –Children and youth meet
5 pm–Adult Prayer Time
5:30 pm –Adult Church Training
Your Lord is waiting for you to pray. Anytime you come, He is available
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
Newsletter Jan 5th
We extend our love and sympathy to Mr. Lionel Hahn and family upon the death of his Son-In-Law, Mr. Chris Wade. May the presence, peace, and comfort of the Lord be with you during this difficult time.
There is an Interesting phenomenon that sometimes happens at Christmas. Mom and Dad spend hours searching for the perfect gift for their child. It is bought, wrapped, and placed under the tree. Christmas morning, the child excitedly opens the package and begins to play with his new toy. However, later in the day, Mom and Dad notice something strange. The new toy is pushed aside, and their child is now eagerly playing with the box that contained the toy. The child is enjoying the box more than the toy. Mom and Dad are left thinking, “We should have saved our money and just wrapped an empty box”.
Swapping a wonderful toy for an empty box doesn’t make a lot of sense does it? Yet, according to the Bible, many people make a similar swap spiritually. Romans 1:25 declares, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen”.
Around the world, men and women have forsaken the Wonderful, Powerful, Loving, Almighty God who created the world and all that is in it. They have turned their backs upon Jesus, who died on the cross to save us from our sins. Instead they worship something that is a part of the created world. It is easy to feel sad for those in certain places on the earth who worship carved or molded idols. Many of them have never heard the Name, Jesus.
Before we get too smug and self-righteous, perhaps we need to ask the question, “How many Americans worship created things and not the Creator”? What about:
…Those who can quote all the statistics from their favorite sports team, but can’t quote Scripture?
…Those who fill the arenas and stadiums, even in extreme weather, but who seldom attend church?
…Those who waste their money gambling, but who give nothing to worthy ministries?
…Those who can tell you the latest winners on Dancing With The Stars, but who have no idea of how to be saved, or even who wrote the four Gospels?
…Those who enjoy the beautiful outdoors the Lord created, but who seldom stop to think, “God You are awesome. Only an awesome God could have created what I am seeing”.
I could go on for pages, but you get the picture. There are many beautiful, exciting, wonderful things in our world. But, in a sense, they are just the “box”. The real Treasure, the real Gift, is our Lord Jesus Christ. He, alone, is worthy of our primary attention, our worship, and our praise. As we enter 2025, I encourage you to appreciate the “box”, but to focus your main attention upon Jesus, the real Treasure. When you reach the end of your life you will be glad you made that choice. AMEN !!!
- Sunday School is at 9:00 am
- Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
- Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
- $ 1840—Final Total for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions
- January 5 and 12
5-7 pm—Children and Youth meet
5:00 pm– Adult Prayer Time
5:30 pm–Adult Church Training
The “box”, or the Treasure? Your choice.
Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church