Newsletter Archive 2024

Newsletter Dec 29th


The Children and Youth Christmas Program this past Sunday was so precious. We were blessed. Gave us much joy. Thank you children, youth, and adults who made it happen.
Thank you to all who came this past Saturday to prepare Treat Bags, sort Christmas cards, and to prepare for the Christmas Program. It takes all of us to get the job done.
Thank you to the stalwart individuals and committees who are working so diligently to solve the problems with our church heating systems. We appreciate the hours you have spent trying to resolve these issues.
One of the most fascinating stories in the Bible is found in 1 Kings 18. It was a time of great apostasy. God’s Prophet, Elijah, challenged the heathen priests of the false god, Baal, to a contest. Which God would send fire from Heaven? Baal’s priests prepared their sacrifice. All day long they prayed, danced, and chanted. No fire fell. Then it was Elijah’s turn. At the time of the Evening Sacrifice he repaired the stones of God’s altar. Wood and the sacrifice was placed upon that altar. Elijah even had the audacity to dig a trench around the altar and to soak everything with 12 barrels of water. Elijah prayed a simple prayer, fire fell and consumed the sacrifice, wood, stones and water. There was no doubt that Jehovah was the True, Living, Powerful God.

As I was reading my Bible this week I came across a verse that reminded me of Elijah’s story. Psalm 5:3 says, “Every morning I lay out the pieces of my life on the altar and wait for Your fire to fall upon my heart”. (TPT) This was a man who was serious about his walk with the Lord.  As I read this commitment the Psalmist made to God, my heart was touched. 
   …My salvation and my long term commitment to Jesus are settled. However, it is important that on a daily basis I make sure that the totality of my life is surrendered to the Lord.
   …There is the solemn awareness of a great truth—Unless the power and presence of God falls upon my life, all I do is in the flesh and is “wood, hay, and stubble”[1 Corinthians 3:11-14]
   …Only the power and presence of God can make me effective and fruitful in the Lord’s work. Without Him I am nothing. Zechariah 4: 6 puts it this way, “Not by power or might, but by My Spirit, says the Lord”. 
   …I need to spend enough quality time with the Lord each day in order to receive His anointing upon my life.

At times, my flesh rebels against being placed upon the altar. Yet, I know that the only way to victory is total surrender. Two hymns come to mind. When we sing them are we making a real commitment or are we just mouthing words?

“I surrender all, I surrender all
All to Thee my Blessed Savior, I surrender all”

“Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid? Your heart does the Spirit control?
You can only be blest and have peace and sweet rest, as you yield Him your body and soul”.


  1.     Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. January 5 and 12–Children and Youth meetings
    Adult Prayer time and Adult Church Training
  5. $ 1620–Latest total for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions,. One more Sunday to give.

How much of you did you place upon God’s altar this morning?

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Dec 22nd


Christmas is a time for gifts. I think back to those years when Stephen and Sarah were small. Somehow, the Lord would enable Pamela and me to have a pile of presents under the tree.  Three-fourths of those presents would be wrapped beautifully. Pamela was a master at wrapping. However, I always felt sorry for her. Since I wanted her presents to be a surprise, I had to wrap them. Even after 50 years of practice on my part, her presents always looked as if a 4 year old wrapped them!!!!!

My focus this week is on another type of gifts—the gift of friends. Aren’t you glad that the Lord created us with the capacity to make friends? I love how it is stated in Proverbs 27:9: “Sweet friendships refresh the soul and awaken our hearts with joy. For good friends are like the anointing oil that yields the fragrant incense of God’s presence.” [TPT] Oh what a blessing good friends bring to our lives.

Some friendships are for a season. Many years ago I had a 2 week mission trip to Brazil. I spoke Southern English. They spoke Portuguese. Yet, the Lord knitted my heart to many in that church. I am not usually emotional, but I cried most of that long flight back to the USA. I have great anticipation as I look forward to renewing those friendships when we all get to heaven.

Other friendships last a lifetime. 70 years ago I played Little League Baseball with Wayne. We are still friends today. In fact, he and I had supper together this week. Then there are Brenda and Diana. We have been friends since our days in the Youth Group at West Albemarle Baptist Church.

Think of Paul’s letters. In many of them he mentions people who were special to him in the churches where he preached. It is the same with me. I look back over the past 60 years and think of so many precious church friends. They loved Pamela and me, supported us, prayed for us, encouraged us, and were a blessing. I thank God for the gifts He gave me when He placed those special people in my life.

Let’s take the gift of friendship one step higher. Proverbs 18:24 says, “There is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” That Friend is Jesus. Hallelujah!!! Meditate upon some of the last words Jesus taught His disciples [John 15:14,15]. “Ye are My friends if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth, I call you not servants….but I have called you friends…” Jesus says that those who follow Him are His friends. Amazing, the God of the universe wants to be your friend—if you choose to allow Him to be your friend. He wants the best for you now and wants to spend an eternity with you in Heaven. As the old hymn says. WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS. This Christmas, thank God for the gift of earthly friends. Also, enjoy the special friendship you have with Jesus. May that friendship last forever. AMEN


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. NO PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY THIS WEEK. Celebrate the birth of our Savior
  4. $ 1105–Latest total for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Thank you for giving

Jesus is a Friend like no other

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Dec 15th


This week let’s focus upon legacies, examples, memories that people leave behind. My thoughts turned in that direction last week when I entered a business that I seldom visit. The salesman did not recognize me even though I had been there last month. However, when I needed to show him a picture of Pamela on my phone, he said,” Oh, I remember her. She was such a nice lady.” Amazing, it has been almost 4 years since Pamela was last in that store, but he remembered her. That is a legacy.

On my way home, I thought back to the days my family owned the Big Oak Curb Market.. I remembered a different legacy. We had many wonderful customers. However, there were a handful who were consistently obnoxious. They couldn’t buy a soft drink without complaining. When we saw them drive up, all of us boys suddenly got busy–filling the soft drink box, grinding hamburger, etc. We made sure that our dear, sweet Mama was the one who had to wait on those obnoxious people. Mama did it in her own kind and gentle way. She never “fussed” at her boys who abandoned her!!!!!!!!!!!

My thoughts then turned to preachers. How many Pastors have cycled through Stanly County in the past 50 years? Most of them were good men. How many can you name? Probably not too many. But if I mention Yates Brooks, Farrell Shimpock, Wyman Bolin, Fred Hopkins, all of us “Old Timers” remember them. These men left a lasting legacy of Godliness, good preaching, and a loving, caring ministry. We remember their legacy with joy and gratitude.

Then, think of God’s Faith Hall Of Fame as found in Hebrews 11. When you remember that some of those individuals had been dead for over 1000 years when Hebrews was written, it is astonishing. Even the youngest had been dead 400 years or so. Their walk of faith impacted their world, and still has an influence on our world today..

That brings the thought down to us, you and me. What legacy are we leaving behind? It is okay if we are never known outside of Stanly County. Our names will never appear in the King James Bible. But we will be remembered. The men and women in Hebrews 11 were not glorified for themselves, but for their walk of faith. In like manner, we don’t live so that others will praise us. We live in such a way as to point others to Jesus. Think of verse 2 of an old hymn:
“Your life’s a book before their eyes
They’re reading it through and through
Say, does it point them to the skies
Do others see Jesus in you?”

It is not a question of, “Will I leave a legacy?” All of us will leave memories in the minds of those who know us. The question is, “What kind of legacy will I leave?” My prayer is that all of us are striving to live in such a humble, God-honoring way, that others may remember us and say, “That was a true man [woman] of God”. Proverbs 22:1 says, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.”


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. December 22–5:00 pm–Children’s Christmas Program
    Finger foods and fellowship after the program
  5. $ 550–New total for Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions–Continue to give during December
  6. $ 1665–updated total for Baptist Children’s Homes–Our WINGS group added $500 to the previous gift

Joy to the world. A Savior has come!!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Dec 8th


I walked into a store last week and saw employees busily unpacking toys and placing them in the middle of the aisle where kids could see them and beg, “Mom, Dad, I must have this for Christmas”. Recently, I saw news headlines that said our generation has collected a lot of “stuff” and our kids have no idea what to do with it. I look around my house and think,” I hate for my kids to deal with all this. I hope the Rapture comes before I die. That way, the unsaved who are “left behind” will have all my “stuff”. [Maybe they will read some of my Christian materials, get saved, and be ready when Jesus comes for the next load of Believers.]

Think of how things have changed over the years. Visit some old, old houses. Usually there are no bedroom closets. Instead there are pegs or nails in the wall. One holds Mama’s “Sunday-go-to-meeting” dress. Another holds her second work dress. Papa’s suit, or newer Sunday overalls hang one a nail. His older, second work overalls hang on another. A dresser or chest holds shirts, socks, and underclothes. In the mid-1940s my Dad built the house where I grew up. One bedroom has no closet. The other two bedrooms have closets the size of an old telephone booth. Then look at newly built houses. Some of them have walk-in closets bigger than my old bedroom.

Many modern families have closets that are crammed full. The garage is so full that there is no room for a car. Sometimes there is an outbuilding that is full. When we run out of space we rent a room in a storage facility. Recognize that picture?  You may have heard the old expression, “He who dies with the most toys wins”. Unfortunately, that statement is a lie. The person who wins is the person who dies with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. You can die in a mansion, or be homeless, but if you die as a “Born Again” Christian, you win. If you die without Jesus, you lose, no matter how much or how little you have.

Consider the story Jesus told of the Rich Man and Lazarus. [Luke 16:19-31].Consider also, the words of Jesus, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul: or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” [Matthew 16:26]

Please understand, neither God, nor I, am against you owning many nice things. We need a certain amount of “stuff” to survive. However, we need to make sure that Jesus is Number One in our life. “Stuff” should never take His place. Jesus alone, is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. Remember to make your Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions during the month of December. Allow the Lord to direct your giving
  5. December 8—5:00 pm—Youth and Children meet
    5:00 pm– Adult Prayer Time
    5:30pm–Adult Church Training
  6. December 22–5:00 pm–Children’s Christmas Play–Finger foods and desserts in the Fellowship Hall afterwards

Celebrate Jesus

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Dec 1st


At Thanksgiving, many of us turn our hearts toward the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us. We are grateful. Usually, we spend at least a few minutes remembering those first Pilgrims who came to America. They were escaping persecution and came seeking to worship Jesus as they saw fit. Think for a moment, did your study of Church History teach you of how the Pilgrims came to exist? Can I remind you of some of that background?

Go back to the 1300s. This is more than a 100 years before Martin Luther and what we call the Protestant Reformation. There were a few small Christian groups around, but the major denomination was the Catholic Church. The Church ruled both the religious and political world. Unfortunately the Church was corrupt, filled with sinful and unBiblical practices. There was also much ignorance. This was before the printing press had been invented. Bibles were only available in Latin. Often there was only one Bible per village. It was chained to the pulpit in the church. Sadly, many of the priests could not read Latin. Thus, they made up fanciful stories to preach.

About 1330, a baby was born in England. His family named him, John Wycliffe. He grew up and became a brilliant, prized, Oxford scholar and priest. Wycliffe was an obscure scholar until he recognized the errors of the Catholic Church. He began to write against those errors. Eventually, he came to this conclusion, “The Bible was the sole foundation of Christian doctrine and practice”. The Bible was the final authority, not the Pope, Bishops, Priests, or Church Councils. That did not win him any friends with the “higher ups” in the Church.

As time passed, Wycliffe realized that the common people needed the Bible in their own language, so they could read and study for themselves. He became one of the first to translate the Bible from Latin into English. This is how the Catholic Church felt about Wycliffe’s work. “And Wyclife, by thus translating the Bible, made it the property of the masses and common to all and more open to the laity, and even to women who are able to read…And so the pearl of the Gospel is thrown before swine”. Doesn’t it give you a “warm, fuzzy” feeling to think of how the Church thought of us, the common people?

As men and women began to study the Bible in their own language, groups like the Pilgrims were born. By reading, believing, and practicing the Bible, they became our spiritual ancestors. It was all because the Lord led a man to make the Bible available in the language we could read. [By the way, the Catholic Church hated Wycliffe so much, that 44 years after his death, they dug up his body, burned his bones, and threw the ashes into a river.]

Be thankful for the Pilgrims. Also, be thankful for those who preceded them. You have the Bible in English. Don’t neglect it. Read it, study it, live by its precepts. Men were persecuted, jailed, and martyred so that you could hold God’s precious Holy Word in your hands.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available at 10 in the parking lot on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $ 1165–Total for the Baptist Children’s Homes Offering
  5. During December we will be giving our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Give any Sunday during the month
  6. Saturday, December 7–5:00 pm–Christmas meal and celebration. Church provides Chicken stew, Oyster stew, Potato soup. You bring any side or desserts that you wish to bring
  7. December 22–5:00 pm. Children’s Christmas Play—-Finger foods and desserts afterwards in the Fellowship Hall
  8. December 8–5:00 pm–Adult Prayer Time–5:30 pm–Adult Church Training

Thank You, Lord, for giving me the Bible in a language I can understand

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Nov 24th


Many years ago I read the little story I am about to share with you. Whether it is a true story or a made up story I do not know.  I think that the punch line was supposed to make you laugh, but it is not really funny. Years ago there were no electrical flashing lights at train crossings to warn oncoming traffic that a train was coming and that cars should stop. A man was hired to do the job. At night, when a train was coming, it was his job to stand and wave a lantern and stop any automobile traffic. One night there was a terrible wreck. Court was convened to declare the guilty party. The train engineer gave his testimony. So also did the car driver. The man with the lantern was called to the stand. He was asked, “Were you there waving your lantern?” His reply, “Yes, your Honor, I was there waving that lantern”. As a result, one person was declared guilty and the other was exonerated. Now comes the “not so funny” punch line. Outside the courthouse the man who was waving the lantern said to his friend, “Boy, I sure am glad that Judge did not ask me if my lantern was lit”. He was the guilty person. He was waving a dark, unlit lantern.

Is it possible that many American Christians are waving an unlit lantern? Jesus said, [Matthew 5:14-16] “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven”.

We say we are Believers in Jesus. Thus, we are called to be light to a sin darkened world. Do people see the light of Jesus in us–in our home? at school? at work? when we are hanging out with friends? when we are dealing with salespersons and waitresses? and with our neighbors? The United States has millions of people who say they are Christians. If all of us would study our Bibles and then live as the Bible teaches us to live we would have national revival in a month. In a nation where millions are heading for a “train wreck” the Bible calls Hell, they see no flashing warning lantern. Unlit lanterns are at too many danger spots. An unlit Christian lantern is not funny. It is a tragedy. Is your lantern lit? Does the light of Jesus shine through you?


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 and on the website after 12:30 pm
  4. $ 1025 — Latest total for Thanksgiving Offering for the NC Baptist Children’s Homes–Two more Sundays to give 
  5. December 7–5:00 pm–Christmas Dinner Celebration–All are welcome–Please Bring your favorite dish or dessert to share
  6. December 22 — 5:00 pm–Youth and Children Christmas Program–Fellowship afterwards
  7. Youth and Children Christmas Program practice each Sunday at 5:00 pm
  8. December 8 and 15–Adult Church Training –5:30–6:30
    Same dates–5:00 pm Adult Times to Pray for Revival

Can others see the light of Jesus in you?

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Nov 17th


Is it okay with you if once again I write about Heidi, the little white furry dog that lives at my house? Often, the Lord uses Heidi to remind me of spiritual truth. Most mornings I wake up with Heidi standing on my chest going, “Woof, woof”. Usually it is about two hours before I am ready to get up!! The early hour doesn’t matter to Heidi. She is ready to receive some love and some petting. When I stretch out at night preparing to go to sleep, Heidi jumps up on the bed beside me. She is wanting to be loved one more time. Heidi reminds me that I need to focus on the Lord the first thing in the morning and as I go to sleep at night. 

But, the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night is not enough for Heidi. Many times during the day she hops into my lap, wanting to be loved. It can be annoying when she gets between me and the book I am reading, but I give her love anyway. I doubt she knows what I am saying, but I tease her that her “Love Bucket” leaks. No matter how much love I give her, she is already wanting more. Heidi’s desire to constantly be in my presence and to receive my love reminds me that this is the way it can be, and should be, between a Christian and the Lord. In fact, one of the marks of Christian growth and Christian maturity is how often we seek to draw near to the Lord.

Some go an entire day, or even many days, and rarely think of Jesus. Their Bibles are seldom read. Prayer is for emergencies only. Others, have a continual awareness of the presence of the Lord all day long. Even when they are busy with the normal activities of life, Jesus is never far from their thoughts.

Think of those who follow the Muslim religion. Five times a day they face Mecca, get down on their knees and pray. I have read that in some countries of the world if a Muslim is in the hospital, the hospital staff is required by law to turn those hospital beds to face Mecca. After the prayer time is over the beds are returned to their usual positions in the hospital room. Are we as faithful to seek God as a Muslim is to seek his god?

Personally, I am a fan of the Psalmist [Psalms 119:164], “Seven times a day do I praise THEE because of THY righteous judgments”. Heidi craves my presence and my love. Our Lord also greatly desires that we seek Him and receive His love often. A Father God who loves us enough to send His Son to die for us has plenty of love to shower upon you. Seek Him often. You will always be welcome. Bask in God’s love and be blessed!!!


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $ 805–New total for our Offering for our NC Baptist Children’s Homes. Continue to give during November
  5. November 17—5-7 pm  Children and Youth meet
    5 pm–Adult Prayer Time
    5:30-6:30 pm–Adult Church Training
  6. Boston Butt sale for missions
    Order by November 19 Pick-up November 23 9-12 am
    $ 45 each
  7. Golden Agers meal. Thursday, November 21 –11:45am –200 North Restaurant –Locust

Enter into the Lord’s presence often. Enter with thanksgiving and praise.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Nov 10th


THANK YOU for making me feel very much loved and appreciated during Pastor Appreciation Month. I enjoyed eating out with some of you, receiving gift bags, and being blessed by so many kind words. I was especially blessed by the generous Love Offering. Barbee’s Grove is a special church and I am honored to be your Pastor. Thank you.
Congratulations to Mr. Lionel Hahn for being elected as the Mayor of the Town of Red Cross. Pray for Lionel as he serves in this position.
Those of you who know my background, know that in my younger days I drove my Dad’s trucks thousands of miles hauling watermelons, peaches, and other types  of produce. As a Pastor, I have also driven thousands of miles visiting in hospitals, nursing homes, and the homes of church members. During those years I can remember having 5 wrecks. Not a one of those wrecks was my fault. Each time, the other person ran a stop sign. Every time, the Lord protected me. I had a smashed car, but walked away without a scratch.

My most memorable wreck was one I did not have. Let me explain and see if you are as amazed as I am. When I was in Seminary I drove from Siler City to Raleigh and then up a two lane road to the Seminary in the Town of Wake Forest. Speed limit was 55. At one point, a side road joined the main road at an angle. On a certain morning I had been to the Seminary to take an exam. I was happily on my way home. As I approached the intersecting road, I was meeting another car in the oncoming lane. Suddenly, a car came barreling up the side road and did not stop until its nose was on the middle line! My lane was completely blocked. I had nowhere to go. I slammed on my brakes, closed my eyes, and braced myself for the impact. BUT THERE WAS NO CRASH!!!

When nothing happened, I opened my eyes and realized that I was on the other side of that intersection. The scene in my rear view mirror showed the lane still blocked. What happened??? Did an angel pick up the other car and allow me to slide under it? Did an angel pick up my car and lift it over the other car? Did we do a Star Trek thing and simply pass through each other?  I will never know till I get to Heaven. Anyway, I drove home thanking and praising God for protecting me.

Now comes another interesting facet of the story. When I arrived at the house, Pamela asked me if anything unusual had happened that morning. She said that earlier that morning she had a strong, sudden urge from the Lord to pray for me. Pamela told me that for over an hour she had walked the floor interceding for my safety. When I told her of the wreck that did not happen she was amazed and so thankful. We spent the afternoon with tears in our eyes, thanking and praising the Lord..

How blessed I was to have a wife who was sensitive to the Lord’s leading, who immediately obeyed that leading, and who was a Prayer Warrior. I thanked God for her then, and I still thank God for her.
Two observations:
   …When we get to Heaven and see a review of our life, we may be amazed at how many times the powerful prayers of others led us to escape temptation or danger and  enabled us to receive the blessings of God.
   …Let each of us be listening and sensitive to the leading of the Lord when He urges us to pray for others. If the Lord speaks, and puts someone on your heart, please don’t ignore that leading or procrastinate. Pray immediately and until the burden lifts. Someone’s life, or salvation, may depend upon your prayer.
“The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much>”[ James 5:16]


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $ 340-Total Offering for the NC Baptist Children’s Homes. You may give any time during November
  5. Golden Agers meal–Thursday, November 21–200 North Restaurant in Locust–!1:45 am
  6. Boston Butt sale for missions
    Order by November 19–Pick up November 23 from 9-12 am—$ 45 each
  7. November 10 and 17
    5-7 pm Youth and Children meet
    5:30-6:30 pm Adult Church Training

Think of reasons to thank your Lord this week

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Nov 3rd


Today, let’s briefly continue the theme of FAITHFULNESS. In three of the churches where I was the Pastor, there were long-term Organists. Each began as a young teenager. In fact, one told me that she was so small that someone had to pick her up and place her on the organ bench. Her hands could reach the keyboard but her legs were too short for her to reach the foot pedals. It has been over 50 years. Two are still playing each Sunday. The other played over 50 years but when her church changed music styles they no longer wanted organ music.

In 50 plus years, how many good sermons and how many “not so good” sermons have they heard? How many good Music Leaders and how many “Not so good” Music Leaders worked with them? How many times did they not feel well, but went to church anyway? They knew their church was depending on them. Thank you, Judy. Thank you, Rebecca. Thank you, Brenda. Your decades of FAITHFUL years at the organ have led your congregation in worship, have honored the Lord, and have been a blessing.

“Regifting” is a practice that some find “tacky”, others hate, and still others find to be a good practice. Someone gives you an item you already own. Maybe they give you food that you cannot eat because of your medical condition. Perhaps, you receive clothes that are not your size. You have three choices, trash the gift, put it on a shelf to collect dust, or “regift” it to someone else who will appreciate it and gladly use it. Personally, I am a fan of thoughtful and prayerful “regifting”.

I am also a huge fan of another type of “regifting”. Let me explain. Most of you who read these Newsletters are Christians. Jesus gave you the gift of salvation when you believed in Him as your personal Lord and Savior. That gift probably came through a relative, Pastor, friend, or Sunday School Teacher. They told you about Jesus. You listened and believed. You received Jesus, the greatest gift of all. Now you are forgiven, changed, and on your way to Heaven.

Now, those of us who have been given the gift of salvation, have the honor, privilege, and responsibility to “regift” Jesus to others who will accept and appreciate that gift. The amazing, wonderful, thing about “regifting” Jesus is that while we give Him to someone else, we still get to keep Him for ourselves. We give, but, still have!!! How long has it been since you “regifted” Jesus to a person who desperately needs Him?
   …”Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”. [Matthew 28:19]


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. During the month of November we will be giving our annual Thanksgiving Offering for our NC Baptist Children’s Homes. Give as the Lord leads
  5. Boston Butt sale for mission projects
    Order by Tuesday, November 19
    Pick up Saturday, November 23 from 9-12 am
    $ 45 each
  6. Children and Youth Christmas Program practice every Sunday at 5 pm
  7. Adult Church Training–November 10 and 17. 5:30 pm

“Regifting” Jesus is a great idea

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Oct 28th


In last week’s Newsletter I wrote about the 200th Anniversary Celebration at Brush Creek Baptist Church. I mentioned that the strength of Brush Creek [and any church that lasts and thrives] was that there was always a core group of committed faithful members. But what does faithfulness look like? It can have many different faces. After I sent out that Newsletter, the Holy Spirit began to remind me of people I know, or knew. Today, I want to share a few stories the Holy Spirit brought to mind. At a later date I may share other stories…  

   …It is a Sunday morning about 1920. Three sisters and their brothers start to church. It is a walk of several miles. Depending upon the weather, the path may be hard packed, dusty, or muddy. Along the way, there are some small streams of water they must wade. They walk barefoot, carrying their shoes. When they reach the church yard they stop and put on those shoes. Then they enter to worship. After the service is over, they take off the shoes for the long walk home. Would you or I be willing to do that? One of the sisters died in mid-life. The other two were still serving the Lord in the 1980s.
   … He is a Deacon, Sunday School Teacher, and Choir Member. There is 8-10 inches of snow on the ground. He’s concerned because part of the church building is almost flat. If more snow slides off the Sanctuary roof onto those flat places they may collapse. He calls the Pastor. Then he drives his WW2 Jeep to the parsonage and picks up the Pastor. Together they drive through snow to the church which is 5 miles away. They climb on the roof and shovel the snow to the ground.
   …She is a Nurse at the local hospital. Two Sundays a month she is at church both morning and evening. The other two Sundays each month she has to work the day shift at the hospital. She is on her feet all day. But when her shift is over she does not go home and put her feet up. She heads to the church for the night service.
   …He is a young married man with children. He works in one of the building trades. He and his wife are unpaid Youth Workers. Even though he needs to be up early for work, many warm nights he sits in his yard until after midnight. He is surrounded by the youth of the community and is ministering to their needs.
   …He’s in his 20s. The church recognizes his Godly character and ordains him as a Deacon. He experiences some hard blows in his life, but remains true in his commitment to the Lord and to the church. As he grows and matures over the years, he becomes a Father figure to the church. Everyone looks to him for leadership, direction, and wise counsel.
   …She and her husband serve the Lord and the church all their lives. Now, her husband is dead and she is in a Retirement Home several counties away from her church. Her Social Security check is small and the Home takes it all. She has a small metal frame on which she weaves pot holders. She sells these pot holders for a dollar or two. With the money she earns she buys toothpaste, shampoo, lotion, and other essentials that the Home does not provide. One day her Pastor receives an envelope in the mail. Inside are 3 crumpled one dollar bills and a note that says, “I love my church. Please put this in the Offering for me”. It was a widow’s mite… 

All of these examples tug at my heart and speak to me. These were regular church members who were doing their best to serve their Lord and His church as best they knew how to serve Him. I pray that the Holy Spirit will use these examples to stir your faithfulness as well. Remember God’s promise “…be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee the crown of life”. [Revelation 2:10]


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
  4. $ 3340–latest total for our Disaster Relief Offering. THANK YOU—you may continue to give to this offering as Lord leads you to do so. However, now we turn our attention to our annual Thanksgiving Offering for our NC Baptist Children’s Homes. That is our November focus.
  5. Boston Butt Sale for missions
    Order by Tuesday, November 19–the earlier we get your order, the better we can plan Pick up Saturday, November 23 from 9-12 am
    $ 45 each
  6. November 10 and 17–Next meetings for Youth and Children and Adult Church Training


Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Oct 20th


We welcome Margie Lowder into our church fellowship. She comes by transfer of her church letter. Pray for her as she joins us in serving Jesus at Barbee’s Grove.


Many of you know that a few weeks ago I went to Siler City, NC in order to participate in the celebration of Brush Creek Baptist Church’s 200th anniversary. Brush Creek was actually organized in 1824, but folks had been meeting in a little log building for at least 10 years before then. It’s hard to realize, but Brush Creek came into existence not many years after the United States became a nation.

Brush Creek was my first Pastorate. Pamela and I were newlyweds. What I knew about being a Pastor you could put in a thimble. In spite of that, the church loved us and blessed us. The church celebrated its 150th anniversary while I was the Pastor. It was an honor to be able to preach for the 200th celebration.

Brush Creek is a rural church like Barbee’s Grove. 200 years old and still vibrant, alive, and reaching people for Jesus. Very few churches last 200 years. As I contemplate that lengthy existence, I try to imagine why God has so abundantly blessed. As with most churches, Pastoral leadership has varied. There have been good Pastors, average Pastors, poor Pastors, and one or two that should have been selling used cars!!! The strength of Brush Creek has always been that there was a core group of committed, faithful Believers. Some were leaders, some were followers, but all were faithful. As I mingled with the congregation, I renewed friendships with some that had faithfully served for over 60 years. They followed in the footsteps of their parents who also served 60 years or more. Some of those families trace their ancestors in the church back to Civil War days. Year-after-year, good times and bad times, good Pastors and not-so-good Pastors, they stayed faithful to Jesus and to His Church in that community.

Some folks “come and go”. They can seldom be counted on to contribute much to the life of the church. Every church that survives and prospers depends upon that committed core group of the faithful. From time-to-time I ponder over some New Testament facts. In 1 Corinthians 15:6 Paul tells us that Jesus [in His resurrected body] showed Himself to over 500 people in the same gathering. That many people knew Jesus was the Living Lord and Messiah. Yet, on the Day of Pentecost, there were only about 120 Believers gathered in that Upper Room. [Acts 1:15]. But God rained down the Holy Spirit upon that 120, that core group, and birthed and empowered His Church. God always uses those who are faithful.

No matter what church you attend, may you be one who is faithful, committed, sold out to Jesus. May your church endure with a powerful witness till Jesus returns.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. Quarterly Church Conference–October 20
  5. October 20
    Children and Youth  5=7 pm
    Adult Church Training  5:30-6:30 pm
  6. Disaster Relief Offering for areas damaged by hurricanes—$ 2090 given last week. Add $ 800 from previous week. Total $2890. AWESOME-THANK YOU

Faithful-Committed–Honoring Jesus

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church 

Newsletter Oct 13th


I was preparing a different Newsletter when I learned of a story that was so sweet that I had to share it with you. When I was the Pastor of Dutch Cove Baptist Church in the mountains of North Carolina, our, across the road neighbors, were Ronnie and Vicky. Not only were they neighbors, they were fellow church members and good friends. When hurricane Helene hit, Vicky was in Wisconsin visiting their daughter, Katie. Naturally, they watched the TV news as the story of the devastation happened. They saw houses washed away. The hurricane was also a topic of conversation. Later, some of Katie’s Wisconsin neighbors brought donations of money and relief supplies. That was a generous blessing.

Meanwhile, someone else was watching and listening. Katie’s daughter, Vicky’s granddaughter, Lucy, is 3 and a half years old. She was paying more attention than anyone realized. She also understood far more than you would think a 3 and a half year old would understand. Lucy began to place her little hand over her heart and say, “I so sad. I hurt”. Isn’t that precious? But it gets better. Later, they found Lucy in her room. She had gone through her toys and made two piles. She indicated one of the piles and said something like this, “I don’t need these any more. Take them to some little girl who lost all her toys”. 

What a sweet, precious, tender heart. A 3 and a half year old willing to divide her treasures with someone who was hurting, someone she did not even know. It makes this old Pastor teary-eyed every time I think about it. Two Scriptures came to mind.
   …”A little child shall lead them”. Isaiah 11:6
   …”Jesus said, Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 19:14

It is so easy to grow cynical and callous. There is so much trouble and suffering in our world today that, if we are not careful, we become like the two men in the Parable of the Good Samaritan. We pass by and ignore the man who is hurting. I find myself praying, “Lord, keep my heart tender and sensitive”. This week, 3 and a half year old Lucy, reminded me to keep praying that prayer. Thank you, Lucy.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. October 20–Quarterly Church Conference
  5. $ 1535–NC Missions Offering Total
  6. $ 800 NC Disaster Relief Offering –$ 300 donations and $500 from Barbee’s Grove Women’s Ministry
    Continue to give as the Lord leads
  7. October 15–Golden Agers Mountain trip. Plan to go
  8. October 13 and 20
    5-7  Youth and Children meet
    5:30-6:30  Adult Church Training

Hard hearted or tender hearted? Let’s examine ourselves

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Oct 6th


Most of you know that I was Pastor of Dutch Cove Baptist Church in the mountains of North Carolina. Dutch Cove is a beautiful valley about 5 miles south of Canton, NC. Unless you have been living in a cave somewhere, you are aware of the devastation that has happened in that area. Throughout the North Carolina Mountains Hurricane Helene destroyed towns, communities, homes, and businesses. I have been frustrated because almost a week later I have had only one brief Voicemail from my friends and former church members. That particular family was fine. But I am concerned about everyone. 

   …Please spend much time praying for the people who live in the entire region. Many know already that they have loved ones who have died. Others, are still hoping that their loved ones will be found alive, but as each day passes, that hope grows dimmer. This is the third devastating flood that has hit that region in the past 20 years. How many times can a person watch their home or business be destroyed before they lose hope and give up? Pray for these folks to have hope, courage, and strength, to rebuild and return to normal.

   …As a church, we support the NC Mission Offering. Much of that offering goes to NC Baptists on Mission. Because of our support, and the gifts of other NC Baptist churches, NC Baptists on Mission now has 4 Feeding Units in the devastated area. Some of these units are feeding more than 15000 meals a day. There are also 6 Recovery Units in the area assisting the needs of the hurting. Thank you for helping make that possible.

How can we help?
   …If you are able, volunteer to join a reputable group [like the NC Baptist on Mission] and go to the mountains to help with recovery efforts.
   …Make donations of money and supplies. PLEASE, let me add a word of caution. Only give to organizations that are legitimate and will use the money for its intended purposes. There are always scammers who want to steal from good hearted folks. I watched it happen after the flood 20 years ago. I saw $ 150,000 misappropriated. I tried to stop it but was helpless to do so. You can always make a check out to Barbee’s Grove and designate it NC BAPTISTS ON MISSION DISASTER RELIEF. Brenda will be more than happy to pass on your gifts to a place where they will be used wisely.

Let me conclude by pointing you to a few things Jesus, our Lord, had to say:
   …” He who gives a cup of cold water unto one of these little ones…he shall in no wise lose his reward.” Matthew 10:42
   …” I was hungry and you gave me meat, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in, Naked, and you clothed me…” “Inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto Me”. Matthew 25:34-40


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $ 1485–Total for our NC Mission Offering
  5. At this time , our Golden Agers NC Mountain trip for October 15 is still on the schedule
  6. October 13 and 20
    Children and Youth meet
    Adult Church Training
  7. October 20–Quarterly Church Conference

Let us be the hands and feet of Christ as we minister to our hurting neighbors

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Sept 29th


Most of you know by now that my singing voice leaves a lot to be desired. However, that does not stop me from loving Christian music. Choruses, Contemporary, Southern Gospel, the old Hymns, I love them all. As long as the song has a nice tune and the lyrics are Biblically correct, then I love the song. This week, I would like to share with you some thoughts from an old hymn. The Holy Spirit has been singing this song in my spirit for a couple of weeks. 

“My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly lean on Jesus Name 

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand”

I have no clue what the writer meant when he wrote “I dare not trust the sweetest frame”. What picture enters your mind when you sing that phrase? This is the thought that always pops into my mind. When I think of a “sweet frame” I think of a woman. First, I think of my sweet little Mama. Mama loved Jesus, West Albemarle Baptist Church, and her family, and I think in that order. But I can’t trust my Mama’s love for Jesus to get me into Heaven. My next thought is of my dear wife, Pamela. Her love for Jesus was powerful and tenacious. I was always in awe of how completely Pamela loved Jesus.  But I can’t depend upon Pamela’s relationship with Jesus to get me to Heaven either. [Oh, by the way, let me pop someone’s bubble. I can’t depend upon some Saint, or even the Virgin Mary, to get me to Heaven.]

Heaven is a real and blessed place. Hell is also real and is a horrible place. Every person who is born will spend an eternity in one of those two places. Your hope, and my hope, of Heaven all depends upon our acceptance of Jesus. Truly, His blood and righteousness is the key. We believe [have faith] that Jesus was the sinless, righteous Son of God. He took our place on Calvary’s cross. He shed His blood to pay our sin debt. He was buried, rose again, ascended into Heaven, and is soon coming again to rapture His faithful Believers. Jesus is the Solid Rock upon which we must build our lives and our hope of living eternally with God. Any other foundation is “sinking sand”.

The hymn writer got it right. Your eternity is too important to make the wrong choice. I pray that you are building upon Jesus. He is the Solid Rock who will never leave you, forsake you, or fail you.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $ 615—Latest total for our NC Mission Offering. Let’s finish our giving this week. Goal is $ 1500
  5. October 13 and 20
    Youth and Children meet
    Adult Church Training
  6. October 15–Golden Agers Mountain Trip
    Leave church at 8:00 am. Lunch at Daniel Boone Inn. Stop for apples. Please sign up for the trip

How Firm a Foundation is Jesus the Solid Rock 

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Sept 22nd


You may remember that around the first of March I wrote a Newsletter lambasting the new online sports gambling laws. I said they were a mistake and were an evil in our society. Those who approved the laws said this would be a blessing to our society and a boost to our economy. What is the result? The facts I am about to share are things I have read in the news. I can’t verify them, but I assume they are correct.
   …News reports said that in the first few months, gamblers LOST $ 100 million dollars per month. Of course, owners of the websites danced gleefully as they pushed wheelbarrow loads of money to their banks. In the meantime, that is $ 100 million dollars per month that is no longer available for house payments, rent, groceries, eating out, clothes, school supplies, etc. A few years of this and businesses will close due to a lack of customers. Folks will be unemployed. HOW IS THAT GOOD FOR SOCIETY AND THE ECONOMY?
   …During the March Madness NCAA Basketball Tournament one star player reported that he received almost 100 nasty social media contacts from bettors who lost money on him. He didn’t score the correct number of points or grab the correct number of rebounds. When the Major League Baseball season started the same thing happened. Athletes were angrily contacted because they did not hit a home-run, or get enough strikeouts, etc. This past week, a quarterback for a prominent college reported that gamblers contacted him demanding that he repay them for money they lost because he played poorly. How long before some disgruntled loser grabs his weapon and goes looking for the athlete that he blames for costing him all his money? HOW IS ANY OF THAT GOOD FOR SOCIETY OR THE ECONOMY?

You ask me, “Ed, why are you mentioning this again in a church Newsletter? You are supposed to be writing about spiritual matters.” Why? Let me tell you why!! It is because, most of the time it is us, the Christians, who are the major backers of the Homeless Shelters, the Soup Kitchens, Stanly Christian Ministries, West Stanly Christian Ministries, etc. We think we have a homeless problem now. We haven’t seen anything yet. One news report said bankruptcies will skyrocket in the next 5 years. Are we as Christians making preparations to handle the multitudes of individuals who have foolishly gambled away everything and who come crying to us for food and shelter? Are we ready for even more people sleeping on the streets? How far will our compassion and our resources stretch?

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don’t be lured in by the promise of big gambling earnings. In fact, one report stated that the gambling sites closely monitor their customers. Those who win too often find that their opportunity to bet is restricted. The gambling sites want losers, not winners. PLEASE, also warn others to stay away from foolishly gambling away their money.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $ 495–latest total for our NC Mission Offering—Even as I type this, NC Baptists have teams on the NC coast helping the victims devastated by the floods this week. Our gifts make that ministry possible.
  5. Children and Youth Meetings September 22 and October 13 and 20
    5-7 pm
    Adult Church Training —Same dates

A word to the wise should be sufficient,

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church  

Newsletter Sept 15th


One of the passages of Scripture that has always intrigued me is Exodus 10:21-23. It is the account of the Plague of Darkness, one of the Ten Plagues that the Lord brought upon the Egyptians. The darkness in Egypt was so thick that it could be felt. People could not move about for three days. Yet, in the region of Egypt where the Israelites lived, there was bright sunshine. The Israelites had no trouble seeing. Light or darkness, it all depended upon where you lived.

The world you and I inhabit is also a world divided into light and darkness. Think of the darkness we see around us—-school shootings, murders, wars, hatred, prejudice, violence, unforgiveness, revenge—-the headlines astonish us. Proverbs 4:19 says, “The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble”. Jesus said, [John 12:35] “He that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth”.

County Commissioners, State Legislators, Congressmen, all say, “We cannot have this darkness in our land”. So, they pass gun laws, other laws, build prisons and rehab facilities, all in an effort to bring light. The problem is : Laws cannot change men’s hearts. Men with sin darkened hearts live in darkness and do evil deeds. They cannot help themselves. It is their very nature to do evil.

But, PRAISE THE LORD, there is a better way, a way to bring light into our world. God gave Israel light and He gives us light. That Light is Jesus. Consider these wonderful Scriptures:
   …”The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up”. [Matthew 4:16]
   … :In Him [Jesus] was life; and the life was the Light of men”. [John 1:4]
   … “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all sin”. [1 John 1:7]
   … That [Jesus] was the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world”. [John 1:9]

These, and many other verses, tell us that our Loving Heavenly Father, sent Jesus, His Son, to be the Light of the world. Those who have accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior are different from those who have not chosen to follow Jesus. They think, talk, act, and live, differently. As 1 John 1: 7 [see above] says, “we walk in the light as He is in the light”. The only way to change our sin darkened world is to bring that light of Jesus into the hearts of those who are unbelievers and who live in darkness. Please study Matthew 5: 14-16. There Jesus makes a statement about us, His followers. “Ye are the light of the world”. Then Jesus gives us this command, “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven”.

Because of the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit living in you, may the joy, love, peace, glory, and light of Jesus shine through you this week.  AMEN


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $300—Beginning gift for the North Carolina Mission Offering—Disaster Relief, and other mission projects in our state are funded through this offering. Please give . You may give any Sunday in September
  5. September 8 and 15
    5-7 pm—Youth and Children meet
    5:30-6;30–Adult Church Training

May Jesus be sunshine in your life and through your life!!!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Sept 8th


Would you allow me to get up on my soapbox and plead my case one more time?
Think back 2000 years. A little group is gathered in an upper room. In the world’s eyes they are a bunch of “Nobodies”, fishermen, tax collectors, etc. Jesus, their Master, has ascended back into Heaven. He has left them with the awesome task of telling the entire world about Him and the salvation He offers. Think about the obstacles this group faced:
   … Their world was hostile to the Name of Jesus
   …The group was small, approximately 120
   …They had no printed New Testament
   …They had no printing presses, thus no Christian literature
   …There were no Denominational or Mission Board structures
   …No bicycles, motor bikes, cars, buses, trains, or planes
   …No telephone, internet, Facebook, or TV

Yet, something amazing and supernatural happened. It began with 3000 being saved [Acts 2:41]. Then, 5000 more were saved [Acts 4:4]. The Lord was adding daily those who were being saved [Acts 2:47]. Multitudes were healed, even by the shadow of the Apostle Peter [Acts 5:15]. Demons were cast out [Acts 5:16]. The dead were brought to life again {Acts 9:40]. Idol worshipers forsook their idols and witchcraft and followed Jesus [Acts 19:18-20]. Soon, it was said about these followers of Jesus, “They have turned the world upside down” [Acts 17:6]. The good news about Jesus was spread far and wide {Romans 15:20-24].

What made the difference? Choose your preferred term. They were: “Baptized”, “Filled”, “Anointed”, “Saturated”, with the Holy Spirit. The Third Person of the Trinity controlled their lives. The Holy Spirit gave them the power to accomplish the will of God. These early Christians had many disadvantages, but they lived in a demonstrated power. When they came to town, demons trembled and lives were radically changed. Today, we have advantages they never dreamed of having. [Imagine the Apostle Paul with an airplane and a computer and the internet.] However, as I have written earlier, we are missing that key ingredient they had. So many churches seem to have lost the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. They believe “The day of miracles is over”. They have tied the Hands of God in their midst.

All my life I have heard the expression, “I am Southern Baptist because Southern Baptists are the most like the New Testament Church”. How can that be true if we are not living in the manifested power the New Testament Church had? For years, I have also heard the expression, “If the Holy Spirit went back to Heaven, 75% of our Baptist work would go on as usual”. Friends, the work we do in the flesh is “wood, hay, and stubble”. Only the ministry that is Holy Spirit led, and Holy Spirit empowered, is “gold, silver, and precious gems”. [1 Corinthians 3: 10 ff.]

We sing, “Give me that old time religion, It was good enough for Paul and Silas, and It’s good enough for me”. The “Old Time” religion that Paul and Silas had was a power religion. Their religion was a Holy Spirit religion, an earth changing religion. Would they be welcome in your church when they began to heal the sick and cast out demons? When will we not only sing about that “Old Time” religion but begin to believe it and practice it? The world laughs at a religion without power. However, they sit up and take notice when the Living God arrives powerfully on the scene. How long will we play church? How long before we grow tired of the status quo and cry out “Come Holy Spirit, fill us with Your Presence so that we become a real New Testament Church”?


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. September 8 and 15
    5-7 pm—Youth and Children meet
    5:30-6:30—Adult Church Training
  5. September–Our month to give our NC Missions Offering. Much of this offering goes for Disaster relief. Our gifts make a difference in the lives of so many hurting people
  6. Deacons 2024-2025
    Leonard Harvell –Chairman
    Kenny Linker -Vice Chairman
    Lionel Hahn -Secretary

As the old song says, “Lord revive us again”

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Sept 1st


A day to celebrate the men and women who make life possible. We honor the farmers who provide our food, the Builders who erect our houses, the Crafts People who create the furniture and decorations for those houses, the Teachers who give us the basic life skills, the Religious Leaders who point us to Jesus, the Law Officers and Fire personnel who protect us, the Medical Professionals who endeavor to keep us strong, and all others who contribute to our way of living. Today, we salute all who engage in honest work.

I mentioned the Farmers. As I did so, I thought of many Bible verses. A quick summary of them goes like this:
   …”Seed time and harvest” [Genesis 8:22]
   …”A time to sow, a time to reap”. [Ecclesiastes 3:2]
   …”The one who doesn’t sow, has nothing to harvest”. [Proverbs 20:4]
   …”Seed may fall on hard soil, rocky soil, thorny soil, or good ground”. [Matthew 13:3]

A good gardener, or farmer knows that if seed is not planted at the proper time, there will be no harvest. Good intentions don’t count. The procrastinator has an empty barn, or pantry, or deep freezer at harvest time. 

The Holy Spirit reminds me that there are spiritual applications to that last thought. 
   …How many parents [who say they are Christians] have small children? They know these children need to be in church learning to know and to follow Jesus. Yet, these parents are careless and choose other activities. Years pass, the children are grown, out on their own, unsaved, and on the road to Hell. No seed sown, no harvest reaped.
   …Often the Holy Spirit speaks to us about inviting someone to church, ministering to a need, or sharing the plan of salvation. We plan to do it. Our heart is in the right place. But, we don’t act. Time passes. That person moves away, develops dementia, or dies, and our opportunity is gone.

How much greater happiness and joy comes to the diligent gardener, farmer, or Christian who plants good seed in good soil, at the proper time. The crops are huge at harvest time.
   …There is great joy to see that family you invited drive into the parking lot.
   …You join the angels in Heaven as they rejoice when someone is saved. Especially when you shared Jesus with that person.
   …It is with great satisfaction to watch boys and girls you have taught grow into responsible, Godly, men and women.
   …It is humbling to see tears and to hear a quiet “Thank You” as you minister to a hurting person. Jesus told us that as we ministered to one of the least of these, we ministered unto Him. [Matthew 25: 40]

When we love Jesus and serve Him, every day can be a day of planting and reaping. This Labor Day be encouraged by the words of the Apostle Paul, “Your labor is not in vain in the Lord”. [1 Corinthians 15:58] Also be warned by the old song, “Work for the night is coming, when man’s work is over”.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. September 8 and 15
    5-7 pm Youth and Children meet
    5:30-6:30 pm- Adult Church Training

May you enjoy a bountiful harvest in the Lord’s fields,

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Aug 25th


Homecoming 2024 was a good day in the Lord. Dr. Andy Prince preached a fine message. Our Choir blessed us with their special music. The food tables were full. The food was delicious. Our fellowship with our Christian Brothers and Sisters was sweet. Thank you for making it happen.
For several weeks now, a certain song has been running through my mind. Day and night, I hear the lyrics. They are with me constantly. But, before I tell you what the song is, let’s talk about some of the realities of life. When we are babies, we never leave the crib unless someone carries us. As toddlers, if we are in a crowd, someone holds our hand to keep us from getting lost. An accident, disease, age, or surgery may cause us to depend upon a cane, crutches, or a walker. At times, we may need the services of a Physical Therapist. Then, there is always the comfort and stability of holding an arm as we walk.

Everything I have written points to the fact that there are times in life when we need some type of assistance. We may proclaim, “I’m a self-made man. I don’t need any help.” When we say that, we are fooling ourselves. No one makes it through life without help. Now, let’s see the lyrics of the song that keeps flowing through my mind:
“Learning to lean
Learning to lean
I’m learning to lean on Jesus
Finding more power than I’ve ever seen
I’m learning to lean on Jesus”

What wisdom there is in those few sentences? It is an admission that throughout life we need help, someone we can trust. It is a recognition that Jesus is the Solid Rock, the One true, strong, unfailing source of strength and power. Whatever our need, guidance, comfort, encouragement, strength, Jesus provides. He will “Never leave us or forsake us”. Satan offers many alternatives: money, fame, family, friends, education, as sources of strength. All will eventually fail us. The wise man or woman is the person who recognizes that Jesus is the only One we can fully trust. The wiser we are, the more we “Learn to lean on Jesus” in every situation in life.

Sometimes, younger folks may have doubts and may not realize the true wisdom of “Learning to lean on Jesus”. Those of you who are like me and who have had multiple birthdays, know that it is Jesus who has led and empowered us every step of the way. So many times over the past 70 years I could not have endured except for being able to lean on Jesus. I am so blessed to know, “Learning to lean on Jesus” is the most wonderful way to live.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at !0:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. Sunday August 25
    5-7 pm Youth and Children meet
    5:30-6:30 Adult Church Training
  5. Sunday  August 25–Called Church Conference–Add two members to Building and Grounds Committee

Who or What are you leaning on today?

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Aug 18th


At our Church Conference this past week, Mr. Kenny Linker was elected to a three year term as a Deacon. He replaces Mr. Grant Hartsell whose term has ended. We thank Grant for his service and pray for Kenny as he begins to serve.
We extend our love and sympathy to Rev. Jim and Janice Hopkins upon the death of Janice’s Daughter-in-law, Mrs. Betsy Gibson. We pray that the Lord will surround you with His peace.
If you are like me, there are times when our powerful, victorious walk with the Lord doesn’t appear to get the results we seek. We aren’t seeing the results the Bible seems to promise. This week, I have been contemplating this thought: Is it because we get tripped up by the “IFS”, “THENS”, and “WHENS”, of Scripture and the possibilities those words convey? 

Think with me: “THEN will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”. [2 Chronicles 7:14] As Christians we desire for America to be healed. We pray for a genuine move of God. God implies that it is possible. So, what is the problem? Have we ignored the instructions that come before “THEN”? “If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My Face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN”. We only receive the glorious promise when we meet the conditions that precede “THEN”.

Now, consider these verses: “IF, I will not open the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes….”. [Malachi 3:10] We all want financial blessings for ourselves, our families, and our church. We plead with the Lord to give us those “windows of Heaven blessings”. Yet, how many want the blessings but ignore the instructions that precede the IF? God tells the people to stop “robbing Him” and then says this “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in Mine House, and prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of Hosts, IF…”. Only those who tithe and bring offerings to the Lord can expect the “windows of Heaven blessings”.

Let’s consider another verse: “Thou shalt be saved”. [Romans 10:9] Salvation, a right standing with God, a home in Heaven, is promised. But it is not automatic. Meditate on the IF that precedes the promise, “That IF thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead”, then salvation is yours.

One more verse to consider: “And ye shall seek Me and find Me….”. [Jeremiah 29:13] It is a promise of a close, intimate fellowship with God. But not everyone has such a walk. Why? Read the remainder of the verse: “WHEN ye shall search for Me with all your heart”. Those who live close to God are those who have an intense, never give up, pursuit of that relationship.

Our Lord is wonderfully clear. He leaves no doubt with anyone who can read. I have only mentioned four of the wonderful promises in the Bible. Meet God’s conditions, receive His blessings. How simple and clear is that?


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall

The Lord desires to bless you today

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church. 

Newsletter Aug 11th


I can’t imagine why anyone would want to run for public office. As soon as a person announces that they are a candidate for a certain office, the team for the opposing candidate gets busy. They get out their shovels and start looking for “dirt”. They start with the year you were three years old. You pushed your baby sister down the steps causing her to break her arm. Starting at that point, they try to discover every prejudiced, biased, ugly, hateful, foolish, stupid, crooked, thing you have ever done, said, or written. They put a big clothesline in your front yard, as near to the road as possible. On that clothesline they hang all your “dirty linen”. They are proclaiming to the world and to voters that you are so wicked and unworthy that you should never be considered for public office. Your past disqualifies you. As American citizens we all recognize this concept.

As I thought about what I have written above, the Holy Spirit reminded me that God has a totally different reaction. Let’s meditate upon a few verses:

“If we confess our sins, He [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”. [1 John 1:9] 
“As far as the East is from the West, so far hath He [God] removed our transgressions from us “. [Psalm 103: 12]
“And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more “. [Hebrews 10:17]   A quote from Jeremiah 31:34
God is so good! He is so full of amazing grace. We confess. He forgives. He forgets!!!  Hallelujah!

Then the Lord puts up His own clothesline in our front yard. He hangs our garments on the line as He sees them. They are brilliant, pure white, washed in the Blood of Jesus. Meditate on some other verses as you consider the beautiful garments the Lord displays.

“…though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow…” [Isaiah 1:18]

“…that He [God] might present it to Himself a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle”. [Ephesians 5:27]
“… Christ liveth in me…”. [Galatians 2:20]
” But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory…”. [2 Corinthians 3:18]
” For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him”. [2 Corinthians 5:21]

Suppose a stranger walks up, sees those pure white garments, and says, “Surely this individual had some spot or stain in their past”. The Lord smiles and gives them this kindly reply “Maybe, I guess they could have, but if they did some sin I don’t remember it”. God is so good. He isn’t digging up the :dirt” from your past. He has graciously, lovingly, forgiven and forgotten it all. When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior that past was washed away by the blood that was shed on the cross. Hebrews 9:22, “And almost all things are by law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission”. Would this be an appropriate time to leap to our feet, raise our hands, and shout, “Glory to God, Hallelujah, Thank You Jesus”? Start praising now. Get practiced up for Heaven.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. August 11–Called Church Conference
  5. HOMECOMING– August 18—Dr. Andy Prince preaching—Mission Strategist for SMBA  Invite others. Fill your picnic basket–Join us for worship and fellowship

Our wonderful Savior hangs out pure white garments

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Aug 4th

Every Vacation Bible School is unique and special. Last week was wonderful. I think that we may have had the most kids since pre-Covid days. We thank Garry and Tonda Hamilton for leading VBS this year. We also thank the 29 or 30 other adults who helped with cooking, teaching, crafts, cleaning, etc. I will not try to name all of you, but realize that the Recording Angel in Heaven has already noted your efforts in God’s Records. You will not lose your Heavenly reward.
A few weeks ago, I wrote a strong Newsletter where I pointed out the foolishness of trying to revitalize our churches without the miracle working power of God. This week, I would like to “sort of” continue that theme. In Joshua 6-8 there is the history of how God’s miracle working power destroyed the walls of Jericho, giving Israel a remarkable victory. A few days later, full of confidence, Israel attacked Ai. Instead of another great victory, Israel was soundly defeated. Why? It was discovered that there was sin in the camp. Only after they dealt with the sin were they able to once again fight in victory.

These days, it seems that almost every week there is a new scandal in the Christian Church. The News loves to report on immorality, misuse of money, perversion, or a non-Biblical heresy being taught as the latest Gospel revelation. I can imagine that much more happens that never makes the news. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that a sinful Church is a powerless Church. Even if our own church is clean we are still affected by the sin of others. Only one family, in one clan, in one tribe in Israel was guilty. But, they caused Israel to lose the battle. The world mocks a sinful church. When will we say, “Enough is enough”, and get down on our knees in repentance? Then we must deal with sin instead of covering it up. 

A similar story is the story of Samson [Judges 13-16]. At first, Samson lived with God’s anointing and had great power to overcome the Israelite enemies. But there came a day when Samson threw away God’s anointing. Then, he got a very expensive haircut. How sad are the words that followed,[16:20] “And he awoke out of his sleep and said, I will go out as at other times before; and shake myself, And he knew not that the Lord was departed from him”. Without God’s anointing and miracle working power, Samson was quickly defeated. 

Is Samson a picture of many American churches today? We have discounted and discouraged the miracle working power of God. We don’t even realize how devoid of God’s power we are and how it weakens our churches. As a result, Christians are ridiculed and have little power and influence in our society. We talk about revitalization, but most churches are dying. Actually, we are proving the truth of the Apostle Paul’s prophetic word [2 Timothy 3: 5] “Having a form of Godliness, but denying the power thereof”. Paul says that we ought to “turn away” from such people. We must love them, but not follow their misguided philosophy.

Am I the “Voice of one crying out in the wilderness” or are there other like-minded Believers who will join me in crying out to God in believing prayer, asking Him to send His mighty miracle working power to cleanse and to revitalize our churches and to bring a God-sent revival to America????


Sunday School is at 9:00 am
Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
HOMECOMING—Sunday, August 18
Fill your picnic basket and join us for lunch and fellowship after the service
Guest Preacher–Dr. Andy Prince—Mission Strategist for the Stanly Montgomery Baptist Association

Be a believer, not a doubter

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter July 28th


Do you “Live for the moment”, or do you like to “Plan ahead”?
Many, many, years ago, I had a relative who could not seem to look into his financial future. During the warmer months, Spring, Summer, and Fall, he had a job where he made bucketfuls of money. He had no job during the cold winter months. You would think he would take some of the money from those big paychecks and put it in a “Cookie Jar”, anticipating cold weather. But, it never happened. Year-after-year, he and his family spent carelessly, foolishly, wastefully, extravagantly, when the money was flowing. Consequently, about Christmas each year they were broke, scrambling not to go hungry. He just could not, or would not, provide for the future.

Tragically, there are many just like him. Some never save. They spend everything that comes into their hands. I read of professional athletes who sign contracts for millions of dollars a year. In one year they make more than most of us receive in a lifetime. Yet, five years after they retire, they are broke. It is the same with many who win the Lottery, the Sweepstakes, or who inherit large sums of money.

Others, act as if they are immortal and will live forever. They don’t respect and care for the only body they will ever have. Alcohol, drugs, immorality, and other forms of wild living exact their price. Suddenly, these people are old, their body worn out, long before it should be so decrepit.

However, the saddest, the most tragic of all, are those who make no preparation for eternity, for life after death. Of course, some don’t think there is such a thing as life after death. Others, believe that they are “special”, and that God will make allowances for them, no matter how they live. However, Hebrews 9:27 tells us, “It is appointed unto men once to die, and after that the judgment”. If Heaven were automatic, there would be no reason for a “Judgment”. Revelation 20:11 ff. tells of an End Times Great White Throne Judgment. The Bible is clear. At the end of this age as we know it, Believers in Jesus will be separated from non-Believers.

Are you planning for your future? 100 years from now, the only thing that will be important to you is this: Did you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and did you live for Him? Whether we are in Heaven or Hell 100 years from now will be determined by how we answer that question. How careful are you about planning for your future?


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. HOMECOMING—Sunday, August 18

Jesus is coming soon—Let’s all be ready

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter July 21st


Briar Rose Barbee
Parents–Chris and Winter Barbee
Grandparents—Corwin and Cindy Barbee—-Scott Davis
Great Grandparent–Betty Davis
As I was reading my New Testament this week, I was reminded of an old hymn. You may have heard me quote that old hymn previously, but it fits with what that Scripture brought to mind, so I will quote the hymn again. The portion that came to mind goes like this:

“I once was an outcast stranger on earth
A sinner by choice and an alien by birth
But I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down
An heir to a mansion, a robe, and a crown
I’m a child of the King….”

Often, when a person considers becoming a follower of Jesus through salvation, or when a believer considers doing ministry for Jesus, the devil attacks immediately with doubts. He quickly reminds us of our sinful past and tells us how unqualified we are. “God can’t save someone who did what you did. God cannot use you in ministry because of your sinful past. You would be an embarrassment to the Lord’. The devil pours out his lies. If we don’t recognize those lies we can miss the blessing of God.

What Scripture was I reading? The first chapter of Matthew. There we learn of the genealogy, the Family Tree, of King David, and also King Jesus. As we read that list of Jewish men on the Family Tree, we suddenly read that one of them married Rahab. Who was Rahab? She was an idol worshipper, a non-Jew, from Jericho. She was also a prostitute. Later we read about Ruth. She was an idol worshipper from Moab. Also a non-Jewish woman. Two very unqualified women to be in the Family Tree of Jesus. Yet, at some point they came to the place and time where they became believers in the Living Lord God of Israel. That made them qualified, worthy to be ancestors of Jesus.

If the Lord can take these two women with the baggage from their past life and use them, He can save and use you, my Friend. God is a miracle working God. Recognize the devil’s lies, ignore him, and follow Jesus.

The writer of the hymn I quoted describes himself as “a stranger on earth, an outcast, a sinner by choice, an alien by birth”. That sounds like someone sure to be disqualified. BUT, “PRAISE THE LORD”, Jesus changed him. Jesus adopted him into the Family of God. He is now a child of the King. He is now entitled to a “mansion, a robe, and a crown”.

I am so happy that from the beginning of time the Lord has been adopting into His Family the unqualified. Since the Bible teaches that every one of us is a sinner who falls short of the grace of God, then no one, not a single one of us, is qualified for Heaven. But, HALLELUJAH, Jesus died on the cross, shed His blood, to qualify us for adoption into the Family of God. Receive Jesus. Thank Him. Love Him. Follow Him.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
    Friday, July 26–6-8pm—–Registration and a meal
    Saturday, July 27—9 am-3 pm–Classes [Breakfast and Lunch provided]
    Sunday, July 28—2-5 pm—Water Fun Day and Ice Cream


Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter July 14th


Now that I no longer have a sweet wife at my house to remind me to “Get off the couch and get busy”, I find that my “TO DO” list is divided into two parts. The first part contains all the “MUST DO” items. On the list are such things as: show up at church at the appropriate times, prepare and preach a sermon and teach a Bible study, write a Newsletter, write my tithe check, pay my taxes, get an adequate amount of sleep, etc.

The other part of the “TO DO” list contains the “SHOULD DO” items. I should sweep the floor, mop the kitchen, dust the furniture, wash the sheets, trim that overgrown bush in the backyard etc. These are things that need to be done, but perhaps not immediately. Some days I feel energetic and adopt the philosophy, “Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today”. I accomplish a lot those days. Other days, I have the exact opposite idea, “Why trouble myself doing it today when it will wait till tomorrow”. After all, no one comes to my house. What does it matter if I wait a day or two to sweep? As a result, some “SHOULD DO” items stay on my list for weeks.

In the light of eternity, I don’t guess it really matters which day I sweep, vacuum, mop, or dust. As long as I am content and the little doggie doesn’t complain, it’s all good. However, in the light of eternity, there are things that do matter. These should never be put off or delayed

  1. Make sure that you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Some folks plan to get saved “someday”. However, they wait too late, life ends, and they step out into eternity. They find that their final destination is not Heaven. Please don’t make this mistake.
  2. Make sure that you have forgiven everyone who has wronged you. It’s not easy, especially if the hurt runs deep, but life is too short to have it consumed with hate, anger, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Those emotions make a person miserable. Forgiveness brings healing.
  3. Make sure that you have apologized and sought reconciliation from all those you have wronged. Jesus told us to “leave our gift at the altar and go seek reconciliation.” [Matthew 5:24] Others may, or may not, forgive you, but if you have sought forgiveness in a spirit of humbleness, you have pleased the Lord. He will bless you.
  4. Make sure to seek out and to “Thank” the people who have been a special blessing in your life. It may have been kind words, gifts, wise counsel, loving acceptance, instruction in some facet of life, there are so many ways others bless us. If at all possible let these special people know what a blessing they have been. It will brighten their day and your day as well.

When our “TO DO” list finds these four things checked off as “DONE” we find that we are so much happier. We live at peace with ourselves, with others, and with our Lord.. 


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. July 21–Quarterly Church Conference
    Friday, July 26–6-8 pm—Registration and a meal
    Saturday, July 27–9 am -3 pm–Classes [Breakfast and lunch served]
    Sunday, July 28 –2-5 pm–Water Fun Day and Ice Cream

Let’s get busy on our “MUST DO” list

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter July 7th


The Service this past Sunday night was wonderful. As usual, the Towers Quartet was awesome. The Sanctuary was comfortably full. There was a sweet spirit of joy in the building. We enjoyed fellowship and food after the service. Thanks to all who made it happen.


The Lord created humans with the capacity to have joy and to laugh. Since we are created in His image I personally believe that the Lord also has a sense of humor and laughs. Over the years I have sensed the Lord laughing when we mortals get puffed up, think we know it all, and make foolish judgments. Let me share a time when I think the Lord laughed.

When I was a teenager, a young man I knew announced that God had called him to preach. The best way to learn to preach is to get into the pulpit and do it. In the kindness of his heart, the Pastor of that church encouraged the young man. About once a month or so, the Pastor allowed the young man to preach at a Sunday night service. Frankly, he was not a good speaker. Eventually, some of the church leaders rebelled. They went to the Pastor and said, “We always support the church. We will be here tonight to hear the young man attempt to preach. But this is the last time. If you ever schedule him again, we will not be here”.

No Pastor wants to hear that his leadership contemplates boycotting services. At that point, I imagine the Lord laughed and said something like this, “So that is the way you guys think? I called the young man into the ministry. I will have the last laugh”. The young man preached that night. When he gave the Invitation three teenagers, 14, 15, and 16 years old, walked the aisle and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.!!!!!  [The church leaders did have the humility and grace to go back to the Pastor and say, “Forget what we said. We will attend”.]

There is an old hymn that I heard often during the first 40 years of my life. Now, it seems like it has been 40 years since I heard a church sing it. The chorus goes like this:
  “Every work for Jesus will be blest
  But He asks from everyone his best
  Our talents may be few
  These may be small
  But unto Him is due, our best, our all”.

That hymn reminds us that we may not be the greatest preacher, teacher, singer, witness, in the universe. But when we do our best in serving the Lord, He uses us. We are blest and we become a blessing to others. The young man mentioned above never became the Pastor of a large church. However, he went on to have a successful, God blessed ministry that lasted 50 years or so. He and I remained special friends until he graduated to Glory a few years ago. Friends, there is great joy in doing our best to serve the Lord and watching Him bless others through our feeble efforts. We saw what Jesus could do with 5 loaves and 2 fish. Imagine what He can do through you, His faithful servant.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
    Friday, July 26–6-8 pm.  Registration and a meal
    Saturday, July 27–9 am – 3 pm–Classes [Breakfast and lunch provided]
    Sunday, July 28–2-5 pm –  Water Fun Day and Ice Cream

Your best pleases God

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter June 30th


A few weeks ago we celebrated the 80th anniversary of D-day.  It was one of the most important battles of WW2 and perhaps in the history of mankind. I had relatives who were in the military at that time, but no one ever mentioned where they were stationed on that day. My Mom had a sister, Alice, who was an Army Nurse. I was told recently that Alice served on the planes that transported the recovering wounded from Europe back to the States. I can only imagine the pain, suffering, and misery she saw on those flights.

In a week, we will celebrate July 4. We will remember those brave Patriots who fought to secure our freedom from England. Only the most hard-hearted can read of the conditions General George Washington’s troops endured that winter at Valley Forge and not weep.

Some of you have served in the military. Others of us have family, friends, and classmates, who served. Those who served honorably are our heroes. They served, and some died, that we might enjoy the freedom we now have. Let’s remember their service and be thankful.

The United States is not perfect. There are many ills in our nation. It is so easy to gripe and complain. But, as Christians, what are we doing to improve our country? Serving where we can make positive changes, voting under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, repenting of our own sins, and praying for the Lord’s intervention, are good places to start. Despite our faults, be reminded of this: Those on our Southern Border are attempting to “enter” the USA, not “exit” it. These people know we have it good compared to their countries of origin.

I love history. I always wanted to make a trip to Normandy to see those D-day sites. [Now that Pamela cannot go with me, the trip would no longer be enjoyable.] Each time I see images of the acres of white crosses in the Normandy cemeteries, my heart is deeply stirred. I weep for those men who never came home. At the same time, I am thankful for their sacrifice. 

At Normandy, and at battlefields around the world, there are many crosses. 2000 years ago, outside of Jerusalem, there were only 3 crosses. The center cross was the most important in the history of mankind.  On that cross, Jesus Christ, the Sinless Son of God, died. He died to provide your freedom and mine. What a glorious freedom it is: freedom from sin, freedom from the devil’s control, freedom to live a Godly life, freedom to enjoy the peace, love, and forgiveness of God, both now and for all eternity. HALLELUJAH! Spend some time meditating upon this verse: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed”. [John 8:36]

This week, you have two reasons to celebrate:
    1. Your freedom as an American
    2. Your freedom as a “blood bought” child of God 


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. NO Prayer and Bible Study this week due to the holidays
  4. Sunday, June 30–6:00 pm
    The Towers in concert–Celebrating the birth of our nation
    Fellowship after the service–The church will provide hot dogs and the “fixings”. We ask you to bring finger foods and desserts
    Friday, July 26—–6-8 pm———Registration and a meal
    Saturday, July 27——9 am-3pm—-Classes–Breakfast and lunch provided
    Sunday, July 28—2-5 pm–Water Fun Day and Ice Cream

Free Indeed—Because of Jesus

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter June 23rd


We want to thank the Ladies from Barbee’s Grove for the coffee, donuts, gifts, and kind words this past Sunday. You made Fathers’ Day special for all of the men. THANK YOU


It may be a greenhouse owner, patiently placing one seed at a time in a pod of planting soil. It could be a lover of beauty throwing seed in a flower garden. Perhaps it is a gardener in his backyard, dropping vegetable seeds in a row he has plowed. Or, it could be a big-time farmer driving his massive tractor pulling a planter that puts many rows of seeds in the ground on every pass through the field. All are expecting a harvest.

Now, think of your own, individual life. Presumably, you married into your present family because you were “in love”. You have chosen to work at a certain job. You live in the house you chose and in that specific community. You made these choices. You may, or may not, have felt the Lord leading in these choices. However, He did not force these choices upon you.

Since you have made these choices, do you think there may have been a purpose for them?. Recently, I was reading 1 Peter 1:1 in the Passion Translation and read this :”From Peter, an Apostle of Jesus the Anointed One, to the chosen ones who have been scattered abroad like ‘seed’ into the nations….”. Peter believed that Believers were “seed” scattered into various places around the world. Indeed, every Believer is a “seed” in the Kingdom of God. A few years ago, the phrase, “Bloom where you are planted” was popular. There is no need to be “pushy” or “obnoxious”, but a quiet, steady, loving witness for Jesus can make a tremendous impact on family and community. Do folks observe us and say, “There is a man [or woman] of God?

Some of you are in places where the soil is fertile. Good spiritual harvests come quickly. Others have much slower harvests. Your field may only yield a 30-fold harvest. Be thankful and do not be envious of the one with the 60-fold harvest. The Lord rewards on the basis of faithfulness, not on the size of the harvest. Also remember, it may take years for a harvest to come. Plant a peach seed. It germinates and forms a little sprout. Years later there is a peach bearing tree. A few years ago, I preached a Homecoming at one of my former churches. A lady walked up to me and said, “You visited me and invited me to church for 9 years. I never came. Now I never miss”. 9 years of planting and watering, but finally, a harvest.

Can you imagine the impact upon our world if every Believer saw himself or herself as a seed and “Bloomed where they were planted”?  Think of Christians, living like Jesus, loving like Jesus, walking in power like Jesus. Our world would never be the same again. You are only one seed, but you can show the beauty of Jesus where you are planted. Let’s do it!!!


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. Sunday, June 23
    5-7 Children and Youth meet
    5:30-6:30 Adult Church Training
    6:30 Choir Practice
  5. Sunday, June 30–Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
  6. Sunday, June 30–6:00 pm
    The Towers in Concert—Celebrating our nation’s birth
    Fellowship after the service. The church will provide Hot Dogs and “fixings”. We ask you to bring finger foods and desserts
    Friday, July 26, 6-8 pm – Registration and a meal
    Saturday, July 27, 9 am-3 pm – Classes—-Breakfast and Lunch provided
    Sunday, July 28, 2-5 pm—Water Fun Day and Ice Cream
    Please attend and bring others with you!!!!

The Harvest is on its way

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church 

Newsletter June 16th


This past Sunday [6-9-24] was a wonderful time at Barbee’s Grove. The building was full, there were many visitors, and a sweet presence of the Lord. We honored our graduates, Michael Barbee and Christopher Barbee. There was also a Baby Dedication Service for two precious girls–Austyn Sage Hartsell [daughter of Grant and Erin Hartsell] and Whitley Christene Triplett [daughter of Aaron and Hannah Triplett]. May God’s blessings rest upon each of these.


Most of you know that a few weeks ago I attended a Bible Conference in Oklahoma. It was a joy to spend time with some really dear friends. A special joy and blessing was spending time with my granddaughter, Hannah. She attends college in Tulsa. Hannah had brought me a very special gift from Australia, a quilt. Let me explain. Before our daughter, Sarah, and her family went to Australia as missionaries, and while we still lived in Oklahoma, Pamela and Sarah took a quilting class. They each made a quilt, one perfect for reading or watching TV. You can guess what happened next. I began to tease Pamela, “Where is my quilt? I am taller than you so make mine 2 feet longer”.

Soon thereafter, Pamela was hired as a full-time elementary school teacher and Sarah and family moved to the mission field. I still teased once or twice a year, but basically gave up the idea of having my own quilt. After Pamela went to Heaven, I knew getting my own quilt was no longer possible. I also knew that I would not be doing any sewing. So, I gave Pamela’s sewing machine and all her sewing supplies to Sarah and her girls.

As they were sorting through those sewing supplies, they found a quilt that Pamela had started for me. They did not tell me. Instead, they sneaked the quilt into their Australia luggage. When they got home, Sarah, Hannah, and Maggie finished the quilt that Pamela had started for me. Hannah brought it back to me. What an awesome, wonderful surprise.

Pamela, Sarah, Hannah, and Maggie, 4 of my favorite ladies, all had a hand in my receiving that quilt. Can you imagine the love I feel when I am wrapped in that quilt? It is a treasure, a gift of love.

It is wonderful to have a special treasure. It is even more wonderful to be a special treasure!! Do you realize how special you are to the Lord? You are greatly treasured. He loves you so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that you can go to Heaven [John 3:16] Think of it, God wants you to be with Him for all eternity. Wonder of wonders, Romans 5:8 tells us, “But God commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us”. God loves us even before we love Him.

Now, meditate upon Malachi 3:16,17. “Then they that feared the Lord spoke often to one another, and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon His Name. And they shall be Mine, sayeth the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels, and I will spare them….”.

As God’s child you are one of His special, precious jewels. You are more valuable to the Lord than all the Crown Jewels of England. That is a reason to shout, “Glory, Hallelujah”. 


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. June 30–6:00 pm – The Towers in concert. Please bring finger foods for the fellowship time which will follow the service
    6-8 pm–Friday, July 26–Registration and a meal
    9 am-3pm -Saturday, July 27, Classes–Breakfast and lunch provided
    2-5 pm–Sunday, July 28–Water Fun Day and Ice Cream Party

You may not think yourself valuable. God sees you as a precious gem

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter June 9th


It is amazing. I sit down on a Saturday afternoon to watch a sports event on television. By the time the event is over I have learned about 6 new medicines. Never heard of these medicines before, nor have I heard of the diseases that they are designed to treat. It makes me wonder, “Are doctors and drug companies inventing diseases and drugs in order to increase profits?”

Of course, all of these drugs have side effects. Many of them list stroke, heart attack, and death as possible side effects. Interspersed with the ads for these new drugs, are advertisements from lawyers. They are wanting to sue on your behalf if you, or a loved one, was harmed or died as the result of that drug that was popular and highly advertised 10 years ago. These lawyers promise to collect thousands of dollars on your behalf. Popular medicine today, subject of a lawsuit 10 years from now.  It might all be funny, if it was not so tragic.

BUT, WHAT IF, you saw an advertisement for a medical remedy that had a tendency to lower blood pressure, cause less stress, give greater immunity to disease, make you happier, healthier, and enable you to live longer. Best of all, there were no known side effects. What would you be willing to pay for such a remedy? Would you be surprised if I told you that you could have all these beneficial health benefits and pay nothing unless you wanted to pay?

“Pastor, I beg you, please tell me where I can get that medical marvel?” Simple, GO TO CHURCH REGULARLY!!!! A study by a major University in the United States discovered that people who attended church regularly had all these health benefits [lower blood pressure, less stress, better health, longer life, more happiness, and greater immunity to disease]. The study showed that those who attended church regularly had health benefits similar to non-smokers. Those who did not attend church had health similar to those who smoked.

I assume those benefits came to those who attended a normal, Bible believing, loving church and not one of those toxic churches. Also, churches encourage you to tithe and to give, but no one is at the door, charging you to enter.
Physical health benefits of regular church attendance are wonderful. More important are the eternal spiritual benefits. Church attenders are more likely to believe in Jesus and go to Heaven. Consider these Scriptures:

“I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the House of the Lord’. Psalm 122:1
“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…”.Hebrews 10:25
“…and as His [Jesus] custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath Day… “. Luke 4:16
Barbee’s Grove, and your own church, offer free health benefits every Sunday! Take a good dose this week!!!


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. June 30–6:00 pm—The Towers in concert–Finger food fellowship after the service
    6:00-8:00 pm–Friday, July 26–Registration and a meal
    9:00 am-3:00 pm–Saturday, July 27–Classes-Breakfast and lunch provided
    2:00-5:00 pm–Sunday, July 28–Water Fun Day and Ice Cream Party

May you grow healthier, wealthier, and wiser,

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter June 2nd


When you think of the moment a Christian enters Heaven, what picture comes to mind? It may be you, or someone you love, stepping through that Gate of Pearl. What do you imagine?. In many of our conversations and in many of our funeral sermons, this is what we describe. We are greeted by a crowd of loved ones—spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters, etc. There is hugging and joy. Jesus joins the group and the joy increases. Then, the group strolls down the street to that mansion that has been prepared.

This past Sunday, May 26, would have been the 57th wedding anniversary for Pamela and me. I miss her greatly, but I am so thankful for the 55 and a half beautiful years we had as husband and wife.

Since the moment Pamela passed into glory I have had a mental picture of that event. It is a mental picture that has some of our usual thoughts, but with a slightly different twist. I think I have this picture because of the person I knew Pamela to be. Pamela was, and is, a worshipper. When she was in a charismatic church, she enthusiastically joined the other worshippers. If she was in a “half dead” Baptist Church, she still worshipped. She did not care if the more “frozen” members thought she was “out of Order”. She loved Jesus and was not ashamed to show it. In addition, she turned our home into a place of worship. Prayer, worship, praise, praise music happened often.

That is why I picture Pamela’s entrance into Heaven as being slightly different. This is how I see it. She would not have been hasty or rude, but I see her giving that crowd of relatives and friends a “high five”, a quick loving hug, some loving words, and then I see her sprinting down that golden street to God’s Throne Room. I can hear her saying, “I worshipped Jesus as an earthling for 70 years. Now I get to worship Him fully, completely, face-to-face with my Heavenly body. This is the moment I have been longing to experience! The location of her mansion would not have been nearly as important to her as worshipping Jesus. She joined that Heavenly choir as they sang “Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb, forever and ever”. [Revelation 5:13].

Friends, are you a worshipper? Meditate upon this: “How beautiful it is when we sing our praises to the Beautiful God, for praise makes you lovely before Him and brings Him great delight”. [Psalm 147:1 TPT]Streets of gold, no tears, mansions, reunion with loved ones, make Heaven a wonderful place. However, it is the glorious presence of Jesus, the Lamb of God , who died to take away our sin and to open the access door to Heaven that will be the best part of our eternal life.

If you are a Believer, be thankful and live daily a life of worship. Anticipate the glory of Heaven and of worshipping the Lord there. If you are not a Believer, please don’t miss Heaven. I plead with you to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior today. You will be glad you made that decision.


  1. Sunday School is at 9 00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. June 2
    5-7 pm  Youth and Children
    5:30-6:30 pm   Adult Church Training
  5. June 9
    Graduate Recognition
    Baby Dedication
  6. June 30- 6:00 pm   Towers leading in worship
  7. June 2–11:10 am  Church Council
    June 5 -7:30 pm  Deacons Meet

Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter May 26th


This week, I have been thinking about some of the dogs that have been in my life. When I was a toddler, Dad had a coon dog named, King. King roamed our yard. He loved me and I loved him. Years ago, I saw a photograph. King was curled up in our yard in the sunshine and was near the clothes line. I was curled up next to King with my head resting on his side. We were both fast asleep. It was a cute, “melt your heart”, picture of trust and love.

Later, Dad had a dog named, Duke”. Duke did not roam the yard. He was tied with a strong chain. Duke had a mean,” I hate the world and it would give me great pleasure to bite you” attitude. I feared Duke and did not even want to play in my own yard unless Dad was also outside.

Over the years, I met other dogs who cowered in fear. They had been mistreated so often that they expected to be hit, kicked, and beaten. I compare those dogs to my current little doggie, Heidi. As often as possible, Heidi climbs into my lap so that I can pet her. At times, she flips on her back, curls her paws, and totally exposes herself for a “belly rub”. She completely trusts me. She knows that I would never intentionally hurt her. She feels secure in my love.

Those dogs remind me of people I have met. Some are like Duke. They are mad at God and mad at the world. Mention God and they start turning red and you know an explosion is coming. Others are like those cowering dogs. They have been taught, often by their religion, that God causes every problem they have. They feel kicked and mistreated by God almost every day. They live with the fear of the next blow to come. Sadly, I admit that I was once one of those people. [It was about 70 years ago. I was on my paper route on Highway 73. The devil whispered one of his lies about God to me. “God hates you and He is going to break your leg so that you can’t go to Boy Scout Camp”. I lived in fear of a broken leg until the day I RETURNED from my week at Camp.] 

I thank the Lord that now I know that God loves me and wants the best for me. Even when bad things happen, my Lord turns them into good. Like King and me, and Heidi and me, I live in a loving relationship with the Lord. I have confidence in His goodness, grace, mercy, and love. I pray that you have the same loving fellowship with Jesus.

Let us conclude this week with some verses that remind us of the character of God:
   “God is love” 1 John 4:8
   “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth i Him should not perish but should have everlasting life.”‘ John 3:16
   “O taste and see that the Lord is good… “. Psalm 34:8
   “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all”. Psalm 34:19
   “The Lord shall preserve thee from evil: He shall preserve thy soul”. Psalm 121:7
There are hundreds of other verses I could quote, this is just a small sample. Always be reminded, GOD LOVES YOU!!!


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. Sunday June 9
    Graduate Recognition
    Baby Dedication
  5. Choir Practice—May 26—6:30 pm
  6. May 26 and June 2
    5-7 pm    Children and Youth meet
    5:30-6:30 pm–Adult Church Training
  7. June 30– Evening Service—The Towers will be leading us in worship

Trust the Lord today

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church 

Newsletter May 19th


It is a scene from a Romance Novel or a Hallmark movie. The handsome man kneels at the feet of the beautiful lady. He holds out a diamond ring and says, “I love you, will you marry me?” Of course, she says, “Yes”. In the novel and the movies “they live happily ever after”. In real life sometimes there is a “happily ever after” and sometimes there is a “unhappy, miserable Divorce Court”.

Personally, I was blessed with a “happily ever after till death doth us part” marriage. Even after 50 plus years of marriage. When Pamela walked into a room, my heart “skipped a beat” and a smile appeared on my face. I think it was the same with Pamela when I walked into the room where she was. If you are in a “happily ever after” relationship, celebrate your spouse and be thankful to the Lord. If you are relatively new in marriage make the Lord Number One and allow Him to create that “happily ever after”. No matter what your marital status is, married, divorced, single, widow, widower, the Lord desires to bless you and to be very near to you.

This week, I am thinking of a similar, but different relationship that will be “happily ever after”. Over 70 years ago, when I was an 8 year old boy, Jesus [symbolically] got down on His knees in front of me and said, “Ed, I love you and I invite you to be in my family. Say “Yes”, and “I will never leave you nor forsake you” [John 14:18] and I will build you an eternal mansion [John 14:1-3]. Jesus offered me no diamond. but I could see by the nail scars in His hands and feet, that His love for me was real.

I am so blessed that I said, “Yes”, to that proposal Jesus made that day. For more than 70 years Jesus has been faithful to love me and to meet my needs. It is amazing, but after all these years, my heart still “Skips a beat”, and my face lights up when Jesus walks into the room. I may be reading my Bible, listening to a sermon, worshipping with music, or, sometimes, “Just out of the blue”, I am aware of the sweet presence of Jesus. OH, what joy those moments are!!!

I also realize that this is more than a “Till death doth us part” relationship. Indeed, after death our relationship will be purer, sweeter, face-to-face. [1 Corinthians 13:12]

I know that most of you reading this Newsletter understand exactly what I am saying. You received that proposal from Jesus and you also entered into a relationship with Him. You are living that life of joy and are anticipating that Face-to-face moment. Join me today in saying, “I love You Jesus. Thank You for including me in Your eternal family.”

However, perhaps there is a person reading this who knows, “I am not a member of God’s eternal family”. You can be. Look down. Jesus is kneeling at your feet. Nail scarred hands are reaching out to you in love. Jesus is saying, “I died to pay your sin-debt. Please accept Me as your Lord and Savior”. If you will believe in Jesus and proclaim Him as your personal Lord and Savior, your life will change like my life changed over 70 years ago. Then, find a good Bible believing, Gospel preaching church to attend and they will rejoice with you when you share your salvation experience.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. May 26 and June 2
    5-7 pm Youth and Children
    5:30-6:30 pm Adult Church Training
  5. June 9  Morning Service
    Graduate Recognition
    Baby Dedication
  6. June 30  Evening Service
    The Towers singing as they lead us in worship and in celebrating our nation’s birth

What a joy to be in the family with Jesus,

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter May 12th


As long as I am being controversial, I might as well go for two in a row. Again, I say, these are my own personal opinions and beliefs and do not necessarily represent Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church or its members. I was cutting a cantaloupe recently and had this thought, “I really believe that God wants His people to prosper”. [More about the cantaloupe later.]

Mention a Gospel where God wants His people to prosper and watch eyebrows rise and heads shake in some Christian circles. There is one group that seems to believe that the Lord wants His people to be poor and sick in order that they will be humble and spiritual. Look at all the poverty worldwide. If that group is correct, the world should be full of spiritual giants. It’s not happening, is it? Another group seems to imply that if we had enough faith we could all be multimillionaires and live in luxury. That doesn’t seem to be right either.

Personally, I believe there is a middle ground. It is a middle ground that includes prosperity plus spirituality. I believe that the Lord does want us to prosper. I believe He built prosperity into the very nature of the world He created. What did the Lord tell Adam and Eve, “Reproduce yourselves”? No! The Lord said, “Be fruitful and multiply”. [Genesis 1:28] Let’s examine some other verses. In Exodus 3:8 the Lord promises to take Israel to a “land flowing with milk and honey”. Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that gives you the power to get wealth”.

Now, let’s get back to that cantaloupe. I cut it in half and needed a spoon to scoop out all the seeds. I did not count, but there seemed to be a hundred or more seeds. Suppose I planted all those seeds. Hundreds of cantaloupes would result. Then, suppose I planted all the seeds from that harvest. In a few years I could cover all the farmland in the county with cantaloupes. If the Lord did not want us to prosper, why not limit the number of seeds in each melon to two or three? Fruits like peaches only have one seed. However, each seed produces a tree which can have bushels of peaches. Plant all the seeds from each harvest and soon your orchard will cover the county. Is that not prosperity built into Creation?

It is not a question of “How much can I pile up?” The question is “What do I do with what I have?. Many of our heroes of faith were very prosperous [Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Job, David, Solomon, etc.] How did they use that prosperity? Abraham “paid tithes to the Priest, Melchizedek”. [Hebrews 7]. David used his vast wealth to provide the funds so that his son Solomon could erect that magnificent Temple in Jerusalem. [ 1 Chronicles 29] The person Jesus criticized was the man who prospered, but did not think of God or others. Instead he planned to tear down his barns and build even bigger storage areas so that he could selfishly hoard his great harvest. [Luke 12:16-21]

3 John 2 states, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper, and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.” The Lord wants us to prosper financially, physically, and spiritually. That is the balanced middle ground I mentioned. A prosperous soul spiritually will be able to handle financial prosperity to the glory of God. Remember Deuteronomy 8:18? God gives us “the power to get wealth”. Another part of that verse tells us why, “To establish His Covenant”. GOD BLESSES US IN ORDER THAT WE MIGHT BUILD HIS KINGDOM. No matter how much we are blessed, our goal should always be, “How can I help build the Kingdom of God?’ Personally, I have nice vehicles, clothes, house, but to me they are no big deal. [The last article of clothing I bought came from a Salvation Army Thrift Store. I can afford Belk’s, but I have better things to do with my money] My greatest joy each month is when I sit down, write my tithe check to Barbee’s Grove, and then write other checks to Ministries that are reaching people for Jesus.

Remember, prosperity looks different in various places of  the World. An American Pastor usually needs a car to fulfill his responsibilities. In other parts of the world, a prosperous Pastor is one who owns a bicycle. In some places, a prosperous church is one that has a metal roof instead of palm leaves. Probably would not work in the United States!!!

I encourage you to cooperate with the Lord’s creation. Learn to plant good seed in good, productive soil. Plant love, kindness, forgiveness, precious words about Jesus, and finances at every opportunity. Watch the Lord bring an abundant harvest into your life. The more He blesses, the more you can keep planting. [The more cantaloupes you harvest, the more seeds you have to plant.] A soul that is prospering spiritually will know when, where, what, and how much, to plant in every field.



  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm.
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. May 26 and June 2
    5-7 pm Children and Youth
    5:30-6:30 pm Adult Church Training

The Lord loves a cheerful giver

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter May 5th


Please note the heading above. What you are about to read is my own personal opinion and belief. It does not reflect the official belief of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church, its Deacons, or its members. This week I feel really led of the Lord to write a strong word of prophecy. It will not be popular with many in our denomination. I totally realize that prophets often get “stoned”.  So, if you want to throw any rocks, throw them at me, and not at Barbee’s Grove or any of its members.

Why do I believe that I have a strong word from the Lord? It is because of the condition of our denominational churches [Baptists, Methodists, etc.] Over the past 50 years I have heard the cries of alarm: “Half of our churches are in decline. 7 out of 10 are in decline,” and the last number I read, “9 out of 10 are in decline”. We have lamented the decline and saw churches dying for years. We have tried various methods to “revitalize” those dying churches. Yet, the situation gets worse every year. Why? Because we will not acknowledge that faulty theology is the real reason for our problem.

Many of these churches will die quickly. Others will have a slow death as older members pass into Glory, the uncommitted cease attending, and the youth stay away as soon as their parents stop forcing them to attend. Some of these dying churches will combine with other dying churches. That will slow the death rate, but because of the spiritual sickness inherent in these churches, death is still sure to come. In order to maintain growth, some churches will become religious “Entertainment Centers”. Each week they will forsake the Gospel and put on a religious performance to draw a crowd. Sadly, we see other churches and denominations forsake the life changing Gospel. Christian Churches have always said, “No matter what your spiritual condition is, you are welcome. Come, let Jesus save you, and let His power transform you from sinner to saint”. Now they are saying, “Immoral, unGodly, agnostic, atheist, come on in. You do not need to change. God will take you to Heaven in your sinful, unbelieving condition”. In my opinion, that message would be a shock to the Apostle Paul [See Romans 1:16-32 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-15]

All the time, we are ignoring the real reason for our spiritual decline. Indeed, we celebrate the reason with Biblical “proof texts”. We are seeing the fulfillment of End Times Prophecy. Churches have become 2 Timothy 3:5 churches, “Having a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof”. Over the years, we have become so worldly, so carnal, so full of doubt and unbelief, that we have no spiritual power. We have “church” but God seldom shows up. In order to cover up our lack of power and in order to save ourselves the embarrassment of being spiritually weak, we have begun to explain it away by saying, “The Day of Miracles is Over. God no longer does miracles like He did in Bible days”. [Please don’t call me, or write me, quoting verses. I was taught them. I know them. I believed them, but not anymore.]

We are like a group sitting around an unlit fire pit. It’s cold and snowing. Everyone is shivering. Someone says, “I heard that once there was something called FIRE that helped in times like these”. Another person replies, “It may happen once in a while, but is not to be expected. The Day of FIRE is over. God doesn’t usually send FIRE anymore. We must sit here, covered in snow until we eventually freeze to death”.

What if we study some other Bible verses? Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever”. Unless that verse is a lie, Jesus still does miracles just like He did 2000 years ago. Mark 16:14-20 promises all types of miraculous power in the lives of “Them that Believe”. There is no time limit or “Expiration Date” for “Them that Believe”. Hebrews 8:6 says that New Testament Believers have a “better covenant” with “better promises” than the Old Testament Saints had. The Old Testament is filled with miracles. If our New Testament Covenant is “better” we should experience greater and more miracles in our day. In John 14:12, Jesus Himself promised [to those who believe on HIm] “They shall do the works that I do and greater works because I go to My Father”. To me, It does not sound like Jesus expected the Day of Miracles to end before His Return.

We can have a pile of wood as big as a football field. But if there is no flame, there is no warmth. Friends, here is my prophetic word. We can attempt to “revitalize” our churches and continue to watch them die, or we can choose to believe in the God of the Bible, the miracle working God. We can stop making excuses and repent of our unbelief. When we begin to have true Bible faith the God of the Bible will appear in our midst. Dead and dying churches will come alive and will burst forth with God-given New Testament power and growth. May it be so!!!!

Unbelievers look at many of our churches and see them as glorified civic clubs. They aren’t interested. But when true believing faith brings God powerfully on the scene, and miracles happen, unbelievers always show up. Many of them soon desire to know personally that powerful Lord Jesus.
Call me a heretic if you wish. That is your choice. But I am tired of making excuses for a dying church. I choose to be a “Believer” and not a “Doubter”. Anyone interested in joining me?


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12;30 PM
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. May 5 
    5-7 Youth and Children
    5:30-6:30 Adult Church Training
  5. $ 1100 Final amount given for the Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive
    $ 2020 Final total for Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions

Love in Jesus, our Lord

Rev. Ed Lowder    

Newsletter April 28th


We welcome Mrs. Hanna Triplett into the Barbee’s Grove membership through the transfer of her church letter. Pray for her and her family as they join us in serving the Lord at Barbee’s Grove.


Jesus said, “This is My commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you”. [John 15:12] The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle John to write, [1 John 3:17, 18] “But whoso hath this world’s goods, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth”. Then, think of how the Believers met the needs of fellow Believers in the Book of Acts. [Acts 4:34-37]

Genuine Christianity leads to loving acts of ministry. May I share with you how this service is being demonstrated by  a Sunday School Class in one of our NC Baptist churches? I am acquainted with this church and know some of the class members.

The class became aware of a new younger couple in the community. The couple had several children, some with medical needs. The class began their ministry by taking meals to this family. They did it often. Class members soon realized that taking meals was not enough. As a result, when they dropped off a meal they would go in and do other acts of service. Some of that help involved working with the children, feeding them, holding them, etc. Children were being showered with love. It has now reached the point that, when these “Adoptive Grandparents” enter the house, the kids reach out their arms, wanting to be held. This family is being reached by the love of Jesus.

However, this ministry has continued to grow. The class realized that this young family also had financial needs because of the medical issues.Therefore, some of the class members had a discussion and made this commitment: For a year, the class would cover some of those financial needs. Each week, those who have made that commitment, hand their love gifts to class leaders, who then pass that money on to the family.

The meals, the child care, the love continues. Financial needs are met. Friends, that is Christian love at its finest, its best, its purest, its most Christ honoring. Is there someone you know with a need you can meet? If you cannot meet that need alone, do you have a friend, or friends, or a class, or a church that can join you in meeting that need? The world has many hurting people who need not only to hear about the love of Jesus, but who need to see the followers of Jesus putting that love into action. You and I are those followers.

As the little chorus says”
‘They will know we are Christians by our love
Yes, they will know we are Christians by our love”.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $ 800–New total for the NC Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive
  5. April 28 and May 5
    5-7 pm–children and Youth activities
    5:30–6:30 pm–Adult Church Training

To whom can you show the love of Jesus this week?

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter April 21st


What a joy it was to baptize Hudson Snider this past Sunday. Pray for him as he becomes the newest member of Barbee’s Grove.
Jesus said, “Suffer the little children and forbid them not, to come unto Me: for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven”. [Matthew 19:14] As I was driving home last week, still basking in the warm glow of the Baptismal Service, I began to think. I thought of how much the Lord loves children, and of how often He uses children to minister for Him. First, I thought of some Bible examples. Samuel was a small boy when the Lord began to speak to him and through him. [1 Samuel 3:1-21] A little maid, a captured Israelite girl, ministered to her Master, Naaman, and enabled him to be healed of leprosy. [2 Kings 5: 1ff] Jesus Himself, at age 12, astonished the exalted religious leaders at the Temple with His knowledge and wisdom. [Luke 2: 46-52]

Then the Lord turned my thoughts to some modern examples of His work in the lives of children. I remembered a 5 year old girl. Her parents sat her down and explained that the Lord was leading their family to leave the USA and to move to a foreign country as missionaries. Did the child cry, and whine, saying she didn’t want to go? No. Instead she said, “Oh goody, I have wanted to be a missionary all my life”. Even at 5 she had a heart for Jesus and for others. That same little 5 year old came home from school one day and said, “Mama, I know we aren’t supposed to talk when we are in line at school. But today, I talked, and my friend became a Christian”.  I know of another 8-10 year old girl. She invited her girl classmates to her house for “sleepovers’. She led several of these to Jesus. Then, she would take her allowance money and buy them a Bible. In another Church Newsletter I read about a 9 year old boy. “He never misses Prayer Meeting [he had to walk there by himself], he has read all the age appropriate books in the Church Library, and he may become another Billy Graham”. He never preached great crusades like Billy Graham, but he did grow up to become a full time Pastor. Then, who can forget the message of our last 2 Newsletters? A 19 year old girl changed thousands of lives because she insisted that an unsaved classmate go with her to a James Robison Crusade.

Friends, Children are God’s precious gifts to us. As they are given love, guidance, Bible training at home, and as they receive that same love, guidance and Bible training from Godly church leaders, these children can be like Jesus, who, “Increased in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man.” [luke 2:52]

Oh, by the way, God is an Equal Employment Opportunity God. Not only does He use children and young people in His ministry, He also calls older people to His service. Abraham was 75, Moses was 80, and the Apostle John was around 90 when he wrote the Book of Revelation. We never get too old to serve the Lord. The Bible lists no retirement age for Christians. Paul’s testimony was this, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”. [2 Timothy 4:7] Paul ran all the way to the Finish Line. May we do the same. That is my goal. I pray that it is your goal as well.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $300–Amount given for the NC Baptist Children’s Homes Spring Food Drive. You may continue to give
  5. April 28 and May 5
            5–7 pm–Children and Youth activities
            5:30–6:30 pm—Adult Church Training

Keep running toward the Finish Line

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter April 14th


We extend our love and sympathy to Mrs. Rita Linker and family upon the death of her Mother, Mrs. Kathrine Eudy. May the Lord’s peace and comfort flood your lives.

Elzy Claire Smith
Parents–Callie and Daniel Smith
Grandparents—Darrin and Crystal Hatley–Tim and Kathy Smith
Great-Grandparent—Jewell Hatley
Let’s continue our Testimony from last week. It has a surprising but sad twist. Remember, it was the testimony of a Pastor who grew up in an unGodly, profane home. One Saturday night he was “dragged” to a James Robison Crusade. That night he was born again and became a new man in Christ.

The next morning [Sunday] he got up and announced to the family that he was going to the church that was nearby. As a person who had never been to church he assumed one church was as good as another. He was shocked when his Mother and Sister said, “We want to go with you”. They attended together. At the end of the service he walked forward and explained to the Pastor what had happened to him the night before. The Pastor did not seem to know what to do with him. Discouraged, he turned around to go back to his seat. There stood his Mother and his Sister. They wanted what he had. They also wanted to become Christians. It should have been a glorious moment, but sadly, the Church Pastor had no idea how to lead these two women to salvation.

So, this brand new Believer, who had only been a Christian for about 12 hours, sat his Mother and Sister down on the front pew. He carefully explained to them all that the Baptist Deacon had shared with him the night before. This new Christian did what the Pastor could not do. He led his family members to a saving relationship with Jesus. In one weekend, a family was transformed.

It troubles me that a man who said he was a God-called Pastor could not explain the plan of salvation to two ladies who were eager to be saved. The Bible teaches, “…be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you…”[1 Peter 3:15]

Is Jesus your Lord and Savior? If the answer is “Yes”, that is wonderful. Second question, “If in the next minute you were confronted with someone who wanted to be saved, could you lead them to Jesus?” If not, please learn immediately. Memorize Scriptures about salvation. Learn where they are in your Bible. Let’s be prepared to share the “Good news”.

Contemplate this—-A family was transformed, and when that young man became a Pastor, thousands were touched by his ministry. It all was possible because a teenage girl was concerned about a classmate’s unsaved condition and was persistent in her witness. Imagine her reward in Heaven. May we “Go and do likewise”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday School is at 9:00 am
Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
April 14–Baptismal Service
April — Baptist Children’s Homes Food Drive. You may give money or bring food and paper products. These must be at the church by April 21
April 28 and May 5
    5–7 pm—Children and Youth activities
    5:30–6:30 pm–Adult Church Training

This week is a good week to introduce someone to Jesus

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter April 7th


“”…whatsoever things are true…honest…just…pure…lovely…of good report; if there be any virtue, think on these things.” [Philippians 4:8] Let this verse be on your mind as you read the following testimony. Several years ago, I heard the Pastor of a rather large church give his personal testimony. He said that his family never attended church when he was a child. His Mom and Dad had a lifestyle of drinking, gambling, with lots of vulgarity and profanity. That atmosphere surrounded him daily.

This Pastor stated that he returned home after his first year in college. A female high school classmate saw him and began “bugging” him [in a nice way] to attend a James Robison Crusade with her. He did not want to go, so he hid. The classmate chased him down. Reluctantly, he went with her to the Crusade. That night, the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart. He went forward during the invitation time. The Crusade was held in a baseball stadium. He related, that about the First Base marker, a Baptist Deacon explained the plan of salvation and that he was saved.[Born again]

The Pastor said that on the way home, the devil began to assail him with doubts. “It was all emotional. You didn’t really get saved”, etc. With these doubts in his mind he walked home. It was about Midnight. As he walked onto the porch, there sat his parents and their buddies. As usual, they were drinking and cursing loudly. Suddenly, a revelation hit the young man. He stated that for the first time in his entire life, what he was seeing and hearing “felt dirty to him”.

Jesus had given this young man a new heart, a clean, pure heart. That new heart immediately recognized that which was impure, unGodly, and evil. He testified that at that moment he knew the devil was lying to him and that indeed he was a truly saved, changed man.

Friends, our reaction to vulgarity, immorality, impurity, and evil, tells us a lot about ourselves. 1] Are we truly saved? 2] Are we saved, but backslidden? 3] Are we walking close to Jesus? It is very simple to give ourselves a checkup. What type of books do we read? What movies and programs do we watch? What are our music preferences? How do our friends speak and act? If we can hang around where profanity is rampant, women are not fully clothed, words are unGodly, we have a problem. If the Holy Spirit lives within us, He will be grieved by unGodliness. We need to ask, “Am I really saved?” “Am I satisfied to be backslidden?” “Is the Lord pleased with me?” Truly saved individuals will flee filth, and will automatically seek the purity and holiness of the Lord.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. Wednesday, April 10, 6:30 pm—Next Children and Youth meeting
  5. Sunday, April 7–5:30 pm—Church Training
  6. Sunday, April 14–Baptismal Service
  7. $ 1180–Final total for Annie Armstrong Home Mission Offering
  8. April—NC Baptist Children Homes Spring Food Drive. If you give money, put “Food Drive” on the envelope. If you bring food or other items, please be sure they are not out of date. These items need to be at the church by Sunday April 21 in order to get them to the pick-up site.
    1. To all who came and made Easter one of our highest attended services since before Covid
    2. To the Choir–You did an awesome job and blessed each of us
    3. To the men who came so early in the morning and prepared the delicious Easter Breakfast
    All of you made this Easter a special day in the life of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church
  10. April 7–7:00 pm -Choir Practice

What a wonderful, glorious Savior we serve

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Mar 31st


Our daughter, Sarah, and our son-in-law, Brian both graduated from Oral Roberts University. Both, also, have advanced degrees from Oklahoma State University. The featured speaker at their ORU Graduation was a United States Congressman. During his speech, he told a story that was so bizarre that it troubles me all these years later.

The Congressman said that one day he was in our nation’s Capital and was introduced to a King from another nation. He noticed that among the King’s entourage, there was a man who did not seem to fit with all the other dignitaries. He asked about that man and was told, “That is the designated Heart Donor”. The explanation went like this. The King is too important to our nation and we can’t let him die. The nation has been searched and this man’s heart is medically compatible with the King’s heart. The King travels with a skilled heart surgeon. If the King suddenly needs a new heart, the transplant can begin as soon as an Operating Room is available. I often wonder, did the Heart Donor volunteer for the position because he loved the king, or was he forced into that role?

I am sure that very concept troubles you, just like it troubles me. But, yet, is that not the message of the Cross and of Easter? We, as human beings have bad hearts and need a heart transplant.
   …”The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” [Jeremiah 17:9]
   …”Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful: but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened”. [Romans 1:21]

While we were lost sinners, with dark, evil hearts, Jesus, voluntarily, out of love for us, became a man. He did this so that He could take our place, die for our sins. On the Cross, Jesus made it possible for us to have new hearts, and enable us to enter into Heaven. Praise God for the new hearts Jesus gives us.
   …”Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience….” [Hebrews 10:22]
   …”And I will give them one heart and I will put a new spirit within you, and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh and will give them a heart of flesh”. [Ezekiel 11:19]

Jesus is your Designated Heart Donor. He gives you a new, God-like heart. With the heart Jesus gives, you become a member of the family of the King of Kings. I pray that every person reading this has received new life, eternal life, from Jesus Oh, how we praise Jesus for His great love for us!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am [NO SUNDAY SCHOOL EASTER SUNDAY]
  2. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  3. April 14–Baptismal Service
  4. $ 1120 is the latest total for the Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions. Easter is our last Sunday to give.
  5. Easter Schedule
        5:30–Cooks arrive
        7:00 –Sunrise Service
        7:30 –Breakfast
        8:30 –Morning Worship–Communion

Let’s celebrate our Risen Lord Jesus this week, and every week

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church.

Newsletter Mar 24th


I was reading in Psalms this week and realized that throughout the ages of time, when men experienced difficult situations, they asked the question: “Why doesn’t God do something”? Many believe that God is ALL KNOWING and ALL POWERFUL. Thus, God knows everything that is happening in the universe. God also has the power to alter anything that is happening. Yet, we hope, dream, cry, and pray, and nothing changes. As a result, some become angry and turn away from God. Others, keep trusting, but live with disappointment. Today, let’s explore the question, “Why doesn’t God do something”?

One answer is this—-God has eternal purposes that we don’t understand at this time. For example, when Jesus hung on that cross, I can imagine that His mother, the disciples, and other followers, thought, “Why doesn’t God do something [intervene]”? Only later did they understand that the cross was God’s way of dealing with sin and offering us salvation. It is a fact of life, there will always be situations that we will not understand until later in life, or perhaps not till we get to Heaven.

There are at least 3 Biblical reasons keeping God from intervening in certain situations. Psalm 78:41 says that because of Israel’s actions they “limited the Holy One of Israel. Their actions short circuited God’s power. They “tied God’s Hands”. Sometimes, we don’t know God’s eternal purposes. At other times God doesn’t change a situation because we have “limited the Holy One of Israel”. Let’s look at 3 ways the Bible says we “tie God’s Hands’.

…Sin ties God’s Hands. It doesn’t get any plainer than Isaiah 59:1,2,”Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear: but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.”

…Unbelief, doubt, a lack of faith ties God’s Hands. The New Testament tells us that Jesus performed many miracles and healed thousands. Yet, Matthew 13:58 tells the sad story of Jesus going to His hometown “And He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief”.

…A lack of intimacy with God [a weak prayer life] can tie God’s Hands. Matthew 17 tells that when Jesus came down from the Mt. of Transfiguration he found His disciples discouraged because they could not heal a demon possessed boy. Jesus quickly dealt with the father’s unbelief and brought healing. Later, the disciples asked, “Why could we not cast him out”? [17:19] Jesus gave a 2 part answer—–“your unbelief” [17:20] and “This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting”. [17:21] The disciples needed to spend more time in intimate fellowship with God in order to replace doubt with a powerful faith.

Some situations in life may always remain a mystery until we get to Heaven. Those are the times we keep trusting in God, knowing that He is good and always plans the best for us. However, we do need at other times to repent of sin, and to walk in such closeness with the Lord that faith replaces doubt. Then, some of those “Why doesn’t God do something” moments will change into,”Wow, look at what God did” moments.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. $ 900–Updated total for the Annie Armstrong Home Mission Offering
  4. Sunday, March 24–6:00 pm—Choir Practice
  5. Thursday, March 28–6:30 pm—Maundy Thursday Service [No Wednesday Bible Study that week]
  6. Saturday, March 30–10:00 am—Easter Egg Hunt for the children—Please bring guests
  7. Sunday, April 7–5:30-6:30 pm—Church Training. In the beginning, we plan Church Training to be on the same Sunday nights as the Youth and Children’s meetings.
  8. Easter Schedule–March 31
    5:30- Cooks arrive
    7:00- Sunrise Service
    7:30 -Breakfast
    8:30 -Morning Worship
    No Sunday School Please invite others to attend with you

Never forget—-Jesus died for YOU

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Mar 17th


Those of you who were at Barbee’s Grove this past Sunday know that I began the sermon speaking about the Prophet Ezekiel’s trip to the Valley of Dry Bones [Ezekiel 37]. After Ezekiel prophesied, those bones rejoined into human skeletons and were covered with flesh and skin. It was an impressive display of humanity. However, no one had life. Ezekiel prophesied again. The wind of God began to blow. The life of God entered each person. Soon, a large army stood to its feet.

I commented that no matter how impressive a person is – educated, rich, moral, famous, good citizen, athletic, or talented – they are still spiritually dead until the Holy Spirit brings the life of God into them. We must be “Born Again”, “Born from Above”. Romans 8:9 states it this way:

   …”But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His”.

As I drove home from the service, I was reminded of an experience from 30 years ago. Pamela and I were near Hickory, N.C. visiting a Baptist Pastor friend. He and I were in the front seat, our wives behind us. He drove past an impressive church of another Christian denomination. The building looked new and I imagined that it would hold at least 500 people. My Pastor friend said, “That church just fired their Pastor”. I was shocked and asked, “Why, embezzlement, immorality?” I was really shocked at his reply, “He was trying to get his church members saved”.

Evidently, this Pastor was truly “Born Again”. The Holy Spirit residing in him alerted him to the fact that most of his church members were just that –  “church members”. They did not have a saving relationship with Jesus. Out of concern for their spiritual condition, and their eternal destination, the Pastor was visiting church members in their homes. He was sharing that they needed a personal relationship with Jesus. Those church members were comfortable with their “Cultural Christianity” and uncomfortable with their “lostness” being exposed. The solution: Fire the Pastor.

Friends, the message of Easter is that all men are sinners. All men need a Savior. Jesus is the only One who can save us. In order to go to Heaven, we need a personal relationship with Jesus. I pray that the Spirit of Christ does dwell within each person who reads these words. If so, I will see you in Heaven. AMEN


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $ 858.88 – Total given for our local Pregnancy Resource Center. WONDERFUL
  5. $ 850 – Present total for Annie Armstrong Offering for Home Missions. Great start! Three more Sundays to add to this total
  6. March 17 – Called Conference to elect Nominating Committee
  7. Choir Practice – March 24
  8. March 21 – Golden Agers Meal. Meet at the church at 4:45 to carpool or meet the group at Rocky River Springs Fish House
  9. March 30 – 10:00 am. Easter Egg Hunt for the children. Bring guests
  10. Thursday, March 28 – Maundy Thursday Service – 6:30 pm. No Wednesday service that week
  11. Easter – March 31
    5:30 Cooks arrive
    7:00 Sunrise Service
    7:30 Breakfast
    8:30 Morning Worship – Communion
    Please bring guests
  12. Church Training begins – 5:30 pm. This comes as a result of your wishes on our recent Church Survey. Please come as we begin this new time of learning.

Question – “Is it a good idea to fire the Pastor when he is attempting to enable you to spend an eternity in Heaven?”

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Mar 10th


Let us begin this week by saying, THANK YOU. When Covid hit and the Government ordered us to close the church, we began this Newsletter. We wanted our membership to be informed, encouraged, and instructed. I was only the Interim Pastor. We had no idea what was ahead of us. These years later, there have been more than 200 Newsletters written. We thank the Lord for giving ideas each week. There are some others we also want to thank: Brenda Burris, Wes Barbee, and men who served as Deacon Chairmen through these years [Leonard Harvell, Jeff Keplinger, and David Talley]. They have made the delivery process possible. They got the Newsletter from my computer to you. In March 2020 they had no idea what they were volunteering to do, nor how many hours they would spend in the delivery process. Because they love the Lord and Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church, they have been faithful. I thank them. If you enjoy the Newsletter, please also thank these faithful workers when you have the opportunity.


Recently, I had a 70 years ago, “Flashback”. I was in one of the early grades at West Albemarle School. Our art assignment was to take a bar of soap and to carve the head of some famous person. I chose Ivory soap because it was soft and easy to carve. Since my artistic abilities are near zero, I carved a head that was somewhere between a human and a space alien. After I received my grade and took my “artistic” creation home, I am sure it soon ended up in the soap holder at the bathtub. Our family was too poor to waste a bar of soap.

Contrast my temporary, poorly done, artwork to magnificent statues carved out of marble. You have seen them in person or in pictures. These statues are beautiful and have endured for hundreds, and even thousands, of years. How do those works of art get created? The artist envisions what he wants to create. He selects a block of marble. He takes a mallet and chisel and begins to chip away every bit of stone that hides the beautiful object he is creating. In the later stages, he takes something like sandpaper to smooth out all the rough edges. It takes months, maybe years, but at last he has a masterpiece that is admired by all who see it.

I was picturing that creative process in my mind. I realized that this is similar to what happens after we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Remember the little chorus the kids often sing

“God made the moon and the stars
But He’s still working on me”

Usually, we don’t resemble Jesus when we are first saved. But God begins to work on us. He shows sin that needs to go. We repent. He shows bad habits that need to stop. He leads us to good actions that bless us and others. Month-by month, year-by-year, God makes us more like Jesus. The more we cooperate with Him, the faster the process goes.

Please don’t let the devil discourage you or cause you to lose heart. He wants you to quit. The last thing the devil wants is a group of Believers running around, looking and acting like Jesus. When you feel a little sandpaper [spiritually], tell Jesus “Thank You”. After all, soon more of Jesus will be seen in your life. Think of this:

“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works…” [Ephesians 2:10]

“That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace…” [Ephesians 2:7]

The beauty the Lord is creating in you is not temporary, like my bar of soap. He is creating an eternal masterpiece.



  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. March 10–Called Conference to elect a Nominating Committee
  5. Easter Egg hunt for the children and youth–Saturday, March 30 at 10:00 am
  6. Maundy Thursday Service March 28-6:30 pm. NO WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY.
  7. EASTER SCHEDULE — March 31
    7:00 am – Sunrise Service
    7:30 am – Breakfast
    8:30 am – Morning Worship Service – Communion

Please invite family, friends, and neighbors, to celebrate our Risen Lord Jesus at Barbee’s Grove this year.

Our goal is to look more like Jesus every day and for all eternity

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Mar 3rd


We rejoice that this past Sunday, Hudson Snider, son of Zach and Emily Snider, came forward to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. We welcome him and pray for him as he awaits baptism and church membership.

Whitley Christine Triplett
Parents—Aaron and Hannah Triplett
Grandparents—Chris and Veronica Whitley—-Tim and Gwen Triplett
Great Grandparent—Barbara Whitley

“Finding Your Roots” on the Public Broadcasting Channel, is a show that I usually enjoy watching. Two celebrities are featured on most shows. Often they know very little about their ancestors. As the show unfolds, they are taken back in time to learn who those ancestors were, what they did, and where they lived. Near the end of some shows, the Host says, “We have one additional surprise for you”.” We compared your DNA to the DNA of other people we had available. We found that you share DNA from your family tree with another person. Please turn the page”. The page is turned and the participant is looking at the picture of a famous actor, musician, athlete, etc. It is always a surprise.

Suppose you were featured on a program, “Finding Your Spiritual Roots”. Who were your spiritual “Fathers and Mothers”? [The people who led you to Christ?] Who led them to Jesus? One day, I was sitting in Chapel while I was a seminary student. The speaker, a professor, amazed us as he traced his spiritual roots, generation to generation, all the way back to one of the original 12 Disciples. All I could say was “Wow”. I have never attempted that. I wonder how far back I could go.

Do you realize, that if your spiritual DNA was tested, a certain picture would be on the last page? It would be a picture of Jesus!!!! Every truly “Born Again” person is “born from above” and carries the DNA of Jesus. Consider John 14:20 “At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me, and I in you”. Because you carry God’s spiritual DNA you will begin to act like Jesus. Consider John 14: 12 “He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do”.

Occasionally, at the beginning of the show, the Host will ask, “What do you know about your roots”? If I remember correctly, one participant mentioned her strong Italian roots. She was shocked when the Host replied,”” according to your DNA you have “no” Italian ancestors. Your family came from a different European country” . That reminded me that Jesus said that on the Day of Judgement, some who claimed to carry His DNA would be shocked to find that it was not true. The King James Version of Matthew 7:21 quotes Jesus this way, “Not every one that saith unto Me ,Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in Heaven”.

It is wise to make sure, without any doubt, that you carry the DNA of Jesus.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. March—Our month to give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for Home Missions
  5. March 3 and 10—Children and Youth meet at 5:00 pm
  6. March 3–Called Church Conference to consider additional items proposed by our Buildings and Grounds Committee
  7. March 10—6 pm–Choir practice

Check your spiritual DNA this week

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Feb 25th


Consider these scenarios:

…You buy something you need. Stamped in bold letters on the box are these words, “Some Assembly Required”. You get home, take out your tools, and start the assembly. Midway through the project you realize that a main piece of the product is missing. It isn’t in the box. You are left with an unfinished product. It is so frustrating.

…Your taste buds crave a favorite food. Outcome the mixing bowls and you begin to prepare the dish. Suddenly, you realize that you don’t have a key ingredient. Unless you make a trip to the store, the recipe will be left unfinished. It is so frustrating.

…You spend hours assembling a large jigsaw puzzle. A beautiful scene emerges. The picture isn’t perfect and you cannot complete it because 2 pieces of the puzzle are not in the box. It is so frustrating.

…God has a special mission and ministry He wants a local church to complete. Members gather to plan how to obey the Lord. However, the ministry never happens because the members needed to do the work are missing. It is so frustrating.

Friends, There is a reason God told us in Hebrews 10:25 “Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together, as the manner of some is…”. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul compares the Church to a human body. There are many parts [arms, legs, eyes, ears, etc.]. Each part has its own unique function. If any part is missing or damaged, the body cannot function properly.

My friend, you may feel small, insignificant, and unnecessary. However, if you are saved, you are vital to the mission and ministry of your local church. Your talents and spiritual gifts equip you to serve. Sadly, so many God inspired ministries “never get off the ground”. Why? The person with the energy, insight, and ability to empower the ministry either does not show up, or refuses to have a role in God’s plan.

Let me add this: Sometimes, the Lord’s work does not get done because a person, or a family, is trying to attach themselves to the wrong local body of Believers. They are trying to attach to Church A when the Lord has an assignment for them at Church B. When that happens, Church A suffers, Church B suffers, and those in the wrong pew suffer.

It is when we are properly attached, present, and ministering in the will of God, that the Kingdom of God advances, and that all are blessed. Today, someone needs your smile, your hug, your word of encouragement. May we never be AWOL from the Army of God.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church are at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study are Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. March is the month that we give our Annie Armstrong Offering for missions in the USA. Begin to ask the Lord how much He wants you to give
  5. THANK YOU to all our wonderful ladies who led the Worship Service so beautifully on Baptist Women’s Day. We appreciate all your ministry at Barbee’s Grove

Where is your unique, God given, place of ministry?

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Feb 18th


This week we extend our love and sympathy to Lionel Hahn and family upon the death of his mother, Mrs. Kathleen Hahn. May the Lord’s peace and comfort surround each of you.
We also note with sadness the death of Rev. Tony Bradley, a former Pastor of Barbee’s Grove. Please remember his family in your prayers.
May I be permitted to get up on my soapbox this week? When I was a Kid, I heard this saying often, “A fool and his money are soon parted”. Folks who are not wise, soon find themselves in financial difficulty. I think of that saying often when I see the gambling craze that is consuming America. The Lottery, casinos, and sports betting are everywhere.

Sure, there are some winners, but at what cost? Many winners are broke a few years later. What about the losers? I can’t validate it, but I read that casinos pay out 10% in winnings and keep the other 90%. If that is true, when they pay out a million dollars, gamblers have lost 10 million. You say to me, “But Ed, what about the Education Lottery?” I well remember the day the Lottery was made legal. Our officials proclaimed a glorious, wonderful new day for education in North Carolina. How well has that worked out? Think of these remarkable results: 1-Underpaid Teachers, 2-Inadequate classroom resources, 3- Crumbling buildings, 4- Unruly students, 5- Metal detectors at the doors, 6- Armed Resource Officers, 7- Students who don’t know if they are male, female, or something else, and 8- In spite of the fact that there are some good, hard-working Teachers in the system, generally falling test scores. It is not a “glorious new day”!!

Let me share some personal stories. When I was a Pastor in the mountains, a new casino was approved. I know of one lady who gambled away a million dollar business. A tour bus from Atlanta broke down leaving the casino. Riders were stranded. Not a single person on the bus had the money to buy a meal while they waited for a replacement bus. A man was living blissfully in his retirement home. He had worked and sacrificed for years to buy that home. One day, he found out he was being evicted. Unknown to him, his wife had gambled away that home to the casino. Last I heard, he was living in a small camper on borrowed property. [I did not hear whether his wife was with him, or if he kicked her out.]

After I wrote the first draft of this Newsletter, I read where a major sports team was begging one of the gambling sites to return 20 million dollars. It seems that someone on the team staff manipulated team credit cards and gambled away over 20 million dollars of team money. Last I heard, the gambling site said something like this: “Tough, but that is between the team and the staff member. We are keeping the money. It is not our problem.” [It will be interesting to see if anything changes in the weeks to come.]

Friends, gambling is a way to lose all you have. God’s way to financial blessing is far more sure and certain.
   …”It is He [God], who gives thee the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant….” Deuteronomy 8:18
   …”He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord: and that which he hath given will He pay him again”. Proverbs 19:17
   …”Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse….. I will open the windows of Heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it”. Malachi 3:10
   …”Give, and it shall be given unto you: good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.”  Luke 6:38


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall

Let’s make safe investments, not foolish ones.

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Feb 11th


I do not begin to have the spiritual stature of Apostle Paul or Apostle John. However, as a Pastor, there are some ways I closely identify with these men. Let’s start with John.
In 3 John verses 3 and 4, John writes: “For I rejoiced greatly when the Brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in the truth”. [John makes the same comment in 2 John verse 4].

John was full of joy that those he led to Jesus, those he taught, those who shared his ministry, were continuing to live for Jesus. I share that joy. I look at the churches where I have served, the fellow Believers that I have taught. We served and worshipped Jesus together. So many are still as faithful to the Lord as they were 20-30-40-50 years ago. Their bodies may have grown more feeble and frail, but their fire, their passion for Jesus, is as strong or stronger than it ever was. Like John, I remember these friends with thankfulness and joy!!

However, I also identify with Paul.
In 2 Timothy 4:10, Paul writes, “For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica”. After a time of faithfulness, Demas turned his back on Jesus and chased a worldly lifestyle. This brought Paul great sorrow. I also look back and remember men and women who were Teachers, Deacons, Choir Members, and Youth Leaders. Sadly, now they seldom, if ever, attend church. Their lifestyle is worldly. They have no positive influence in the Kingdom of God. It makes me sad. Sometimes I ask myself, “Did I mess up? Was there something I did not teach or live?”

The reality is that a Pastor does have a role to play. However, we each make our own personal decision. Will we faithfully serve Jesus until the end of our life, or will we turn our back upon Him? Consider this—when former Pastors think of you and me, do they have joy or sorrow? I pray that it is joy.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. February 11–Baptist Womens’ Day–Guest Speaker from the Pregnancy Resource Center
  5. If you have placed your Resource Center Offering in a baby bottle, please bring it Sunday
  6. February 11—5-7 pm–Youth and Children’s activities. All school age youth and children are invited. Bring a friend

Let’s be faithful until the Lord calls, “Come home my child”

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Feb 4th


This week I have been thinking about forgiveness. That is a practice with which many people struggle. There are those who will never forgive any wrong. Others will forgive up to a limit. As Believers in Jesus we learn to forgive, even when we are wronged and hurt.

Today, I have been meditating upon God’s forgiveness. It began as I listened to the third verse of another hymn. Remember, in an earlier Newsletter I lamented that we often miss great revelation when we skip the third verse of a hymn we are singing. The hymn on my heart goes like this:
“My sin–oh, the bliss of this glorious thought
My sin–not in part, but the WHOLE
Is nailed to the cross
And I bear it no more
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my soul”
No wonder the song writer could say, “It is well with my soul”.

Focus on the phrase, “not in part, but the Whole, of our sins is nailed to the cross”. Here is how my thoughts went. Suppose a person died. He got to the Gate of Heaven. His life records were checked. Then, the Gatekeeping Angel said, “I am sorry, I cannot let you into Heaven. Father God is truly a Loving, forgiving God, but even He has His limit on the number of sins He will forgive. Sadly, you exceeded that lifetime limit, so you don’t qualify for Heaven. OR, suppose the angel said, “Because you believed in Jesus, you do get to enter Heaven. However, because you exceeded God’s sin limit, you don’t get a clean white robe. For all of eternity, you will be in Heaven, but you will be wearing a soiled, dirty robe. Everyone in Heaven will know that you exceeded God’s sin limit. Aren’t those sad thoughts?

Praise the Lord, our Loving Heavenly Father has no sin limit. He is willing to forgive each, every, all our sin, as we confess and repent. 1 John 1:9–“If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.” What joy to know, “Not in part, but the WHOLE of our sins are nailed to the cross”. Praise the Lord, O my soul.

The hymn writer got it right. Place your sins under the Blood of Jesus. Be thankful! Rejoice! Praise Jesus!


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. February 4–Called Church Conference [Repairing stained glass windows, perhaps other window issues, security doors]
  5. February 11–Baptist Women’s Day–Speaker from our local Pregnancy Resource Center
  6. Remember–Special offering for the Pregnancy Resource Center
  7. Youth Night–February-4. Time 5-7 pm. All school age children and youth invited. Supper served at 5 pm. Bring a friend

Is it well with your soul today?

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Jan 28th


I was reading a passage of Scripture this week when certain thoughts and memories came to mind. I have been preaching for over 60 years. During that time I have been privileged to know some awesome men and women of God. We have prayed together, ministered as partners, and celebrated Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Indeed, these special people have truly been anointed by God.

During that same period of time, I have met some church leaders who were just the opposite. These folks had the spiritual wisdom and maturity of some 8 year old new Christian. It appeared to me that they got their position of leadership simply by “hanging around”. They had been a part of the church so long that someone decided to elect them as a Teacher, Deacon, or to another position of leadership. No one paid any attention to their spiritual immaturity. As a result, they usually caused trouble wherever they served. Being a member of a religious group does not guarantee a walk with God.

Now, back to the passage of Scripture that triggered these thoughts. It is the story of “The woman with the issue of blood” [Luke 8: 43-48] She had been ill for years. She was broke from paying doctors. She was getting weaker. Then this lady heard about Jesus. When she pressed through the crowd and touched Him she was made well.

Notice, it was a large crowd. I imagine that many were jostling, elbowing, pushing and shoving, trying to get as near to Jesus as possible. No doubt, some did touch Jesus. However, only one person was healed. It was the woman who would not be deterred until she touched Jesus by faith. The Bible says, “We walk by faith and not by sight” [2 Corinthians 5:7] and “Without faith it is impossible to please Him [God]” [Hebrews 11:6].

Let me go back to those “awesome” believers I have known over the years. What made them that way? They were not content to just “hang around” as one in the religious crowd. Instead, they daily reach out to touch Jesus by faith. They have an intimate fellowship with Him. They live and serve in the power of the Holy Spirit. They have a reality of experience with Jesus that makes them genuine.

Perhaps you have heard some variation of this statement, “Just because you live in a garage, does not mean that you are a car. Just because you “hang around” with religious people does not mean that you are a true child of God”. Are you just in the crowd, “hanging around” Jesus, or have you touched Him by faith?


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM or on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. We are now making our special gifts to our local Pregnancy Resource Center

Reach out by faith to Jesus

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Jan 21st


Darcy Ann Whitley
Parents–Baron and Emily Whitley
Grandparents–Chris and Veronica Whitley— Marc and Emily Clarkson
Great Grandparent–Barbara Whitley


Please read this Newsletter slowly and carefully. I am going to try to make a point or two, but it may be in a “roundabout” way. This Sunday, January 21 , has been designated by religious groups as “Sanctity Of Human Life ” Sunday. It is a day when, historically, Christians have focused on ending abortion. Some of that battle has been won in recent years. Now we are getting a “push back”. If we are not vigilant we could lose the ground we have gained. Keep alert. Keep working. Keep praying.

But what happens after children are born is very important. This past Sunday, I gave my testimony. Several times I mentioned that I am so thankful that [1] I had a Mother who faithfully took her boys to church, and [2] that she took us to a loving, Bible believing church. Both are important. My brothers and I had normal childhood activities [Little League, Boy Scouts, etc.], but nothing interfered with church. Hot, cold, rain, sleet, snow, it did not matter. Mama and her 4 boys walked to church. I have this memory of the 5 of us receiving our 12 year Perfect Attendance pins. If my math is correct, that means all of us had attended church 624 Sundays without a miss. Thank God for Mama. 2 Preachers and 2 Deacons were the result.

Now let’s get serious. Parents, you can give your kids clothes, toys, education, trips, activities, and vacations, but if you don’t regularly see that they are in a loving Bible believing church, you are failing as a parent. Haphazard attendance, or attending a church with faulty Scriptural beliefs, will not get the job done. In the very beginning God told His followers, [Deuteronomy 6:6,7] “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: and thou shalt teach the diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way….” Each child still has to personally say “Yes” or “No” to Jesus, but so many kids never get that chance. I remember a number of kids from the past 60 years. Their parents said that they were Christian. Yet, often with tears in their eyes, their children would say to me, “Preacher, I want to come to church, but no one will bring me”. As far as I now know, many years later, all of these kids are still unsaved.

Now, let me shock you with how serious this is. I truly believe that every aborted baby immediately goes to Heaven to be with Jesus. Earthly life was cruelly snatched from them, but they will have a glorious eternity. HOWEVER, those children who are born, live to the Age of Accountability, and never have a real opportunity to believe in Jesus, die and do not go to Heaven. They spend an eternity separated from God’s blessing. How tragic!!!! You cannot be saved for your children. That is their choice. However, you can make sure they have multiple opportunities to learn about Jesus.

Let’s continue to strive to outlaw abortion. More importantly, let’s strive to see that every child is “Born Again”. [John 3:16]


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. January 21—Quarterly Church Conference

Jesus died that we might have eternal life

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Jan 14th


These days it is not unusual to encounter someone with a haughty, superior attitude toward those of us who believe the Bible is true and who try to live by Biblical precepts. Those folks believe that we are ignorant simpletons. They say, or write, such things as, “The Bible is old fashioned, out-dated, and has absolutely no relevance for modern society.” Don’t try to argue with such folks. Just sadly shake your head at their ignorance. May I share with you a story that is told as historically true?

In the late 1780s, a ship, Bounty, sailed from England. Somewhere in the South Seas the sailors became so angry at Captain Bligh’s treatment of them that they staged a mutiny. Captain Bligh and those who sided with him were placed on another boat. The mutineers took the Bounty and sailed to Tahiti. Some of those sailors stayed there. In 1790, nine of the mutineers abducted 20 Polynesians [14 of whom were women] and sailed to Pitcairn Island. Someone burned the Bounty, leaving no way of escape. Ten years of debauchery and turmoil followed. There were rivalries, immorality, abuse of the native women,alcoholism, and murders.

By 1800, John Adams was the only one of the original sailors still living. It is reported that he found a Bible in the ship’s chest. He began to read that Bible and to teach it to the 9 remaining women and 14 children. As they followed the Bible, lives were changed and social life became better. In 1808, an American ship, Topaz, docked and found a healthy, thriving community. A year or so later, a British ship came. After their visit, “John Adams was celebrated as the founder of a community that was an example of Victorian morality”.

What made the difference? The Bible, God’s Word changed an evil community into a more Godly settlement. It takes a really unthinking person to say that the Bible is outdated. Think of living in a community where God is honored, parents are respected, there is no lying, no theft, no adultery, no murder, and no coveting what others have, Think of living where the Golden Rule is practiced, Folks treating others with the kindness they themselves desire. Living in such a Bible based community would seem like Heaven on earth.

The Bible is God’s Word. Read it. Study it. Live it. In addition to rules for living, the Bible tells us about Jesus, the One who died for us and who opens the door for us to spend an eternity in Heaven.

…”Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” Psalm 119:105
…”For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,….and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12
…Heaven and earth shall pass away, But My Words shall not pass away”. Luke 21:33


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. January 14–Baptist Men’s Day–Breakfast at 7:00 am
  5. January 21–Quarterly Church Conference
  6. THANK YOU for the very generous Christmas bonus, the cards, gifts, and other expressions of your love during the holiday season. Pastor Ed

Use the lamp of the Bible to guide your footsteps

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church

Newsletter Jan 7th


We note with sadness the death of one of our oldest church members, Mrs. Bertie Hatley. She will be greatly missed. We extend our love and sympathy to her daughters, Mrs. Tamra Hahn and Mrs. Tonda Hamilton, and to her sister, Mrs. Betty Davis, and to all the other relatives. May the Lord’s peace and comfort surround you with precious memories.


What is your level of Christianity? It is your choice. The answer you give determines your power and effectiveness as a Christian, and also determines how much peace and joy you have as you follow the Lord.

Some folks have a LIFE INSURANCE POLICY Christianity. Their goal is to be religious enough to have an insurance policy to “cash in” for a home in Heaven when they die. They keep their religion in a safe deposit box and rarely take it out to be seen. From time-to-time they go to church, pray, or do some other religious activity, hoping that they keep the premiums paid on their policy. It is hard to tell if these folks are “saved” or “unsaved”. Christianity brings them very little joy, and they have almost no power and effectiveness as Believers.

Others, have a GOD IS MY CO-PILOT faith. [Remember when those bumper stickers were popular 50 years ago?] This type of Christian does the driving. God sits in the Co-Pilot seat. Often, the one doing the driving gets hopelessly lost. He then turns to God and prays, “Lord, can you get me out of this mess?” Usually he is in trouble because the Lord told him not to take that road, but he was stubborn, or “knew more than God.” And ignored what the Lord told him. Once again, this type of faith has little joy and little power.

Then, there is the Biblical, New Testament level of Christianity. This is the HAND IN THE GLOVE level. The Believer is the glove and the Lord is the Hand in the glove. The Hand moves the glove. They act as one. There is great joy in sensing the Lord working through you. The glove has the power and authority to do anything the Hand can do. Since the Hand [God] has unlimited power and authority, so does the glove. This level of Christianity is joyful and powerfully anointed. The New Testament has many verses that proclaim this truth. Find and meditate upon them. Because of space limitations I am going to only mention a few from the Gospel of John.
…14:12 “He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do…”
…14:16 “I will pray the Father and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever. …He dwelleth with you and shall be in you”
…14:20 “At that day ye shall know that I am in My Father, and ye in Me and I in you”.
…15:5 “I am the Vine. Ye are the branches. He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit. For without Me, ye can do nothing”

I encourage you to become a “glove”. Be a Believer who is totally yielded to the Lord. Your joy, power, and effectiveness as a Christian will grow abundantly.


  1. Sunday School is at 9:00 am
  2. Morning Worship and Children’s Church is at 10:00 am. Also available in the parking lot at 10 on 99.1 FM and on the website after 12:30 pm
  3. Prayer and Bible Study is Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall
  4. $ 2357 Final Lottie Moon Offering for Foreign Missions.
  5. January 14–Baptist Men’s Day–Breakfast at 7:30 am
  6. January 21–Quarterly Church Conference

Let’s move our Christianity to a higher level!

Pastor Ed and Deacons of Barbee’s Grove Baptist Church.